Please get rid of voting on people's threads!

I really don’t see the need to vote someone’s thread as “terrible” or “excellent.” The fact of the matter is that people create threads because they have thoughts about names and want opinions… What could be terrible about that?! In fact, there wouldn’t be a Nameberry if that weren’t the case!

It doesn’t help. It only harms. I’ve had a thread voted as terrible AND I’ve had a thread voted as “excellent.” Either way I didn’t see a point.

Please do away with this unnecessary feature

Agreed. I don’t see the point either.

I tend to agree. Hardly anyone uses the feature, and when they do, it seems completely arbitrary and often mean-spirited.

I think contributing or not contributing to a thread is all the ‘vote’ it really needs!

Exactly!! It’s my assumption that people vote a thread as “terrible” when they don’t like the names in the subject header. Well, in that case, just reply to the thread and say you don’t care for the names. Giving your opinions HELPS the original poster. Voting the entire thread as terrible does not.

Thanks for the support… It’s good to know that I’m not the only one who feels that way.