Which (if any) are best for our little boy? [name]Sister[/name] is [name]Sawyer[/name] and last name starts T and ends ER.
Which (if any) are best for our little boy? [name]Sister[/name] is [name]Sawyer[/name] and last name starts T and ends ER.
[name]Grant[/name] - I find the T ending runs into any T last names that I try it out with ([name]Thatcher[/name], [name]Tanner[/name], etc)
[name]Edison[/name] - Not really my style for a name, so I have no good comments
[name]Samson[/name] - Prefer [name]Samuel[/name], but if you use another S name, you may be setting yourself up for a pattern
[name]Samuel[/name] - See above!
[name]Carson[/name] - I like [name]Carson[/name], but I have been hearing it a lot lately!
I like all of them, except [name]Carson[/name] (which isn’t horrible, just not my style). I especially like how [name]Samuel[/name] and [name]Sawyer[/name] go together ([name]Samuel[/name] [name]Clemens[/name] and [name]Tom[/name] [name]Sawyer[/name]). If you’re a [name]Mark[/name] [name]Twain[/name] fan that may be the way to go.
Here are my thoughts:
[name]Grant[/name]: Pros: I like this name, and it’s more masculine than uni [name]Sawyer[/name], which is a plus to me. Cons: The T’s will run together a little.
[name]Edison[/name]: Pros: I love the name, feels very masculine with [name]Ed[/name]. Cons: It might get heard as [name]Addison[/name], which is heavily girly. Neutral: with a [name]Sawyer[/name] ([name]Mark[/name] [name]Twain[/name]) and an [name]Edison[/name] ([name]Thomas[/name]), there’s a bit of [name]Americana[/name] going on here.
[name]Samson[/name]: I vote against it. I generally don’t think sharing initials is the best idea (it’s OK though), and then the Biblical character is just kind of tragic. I do like the sound and it is masculine, though.
[name]Samuel[/name]: More [name]Mark[/name] [name]Twain[/name]! : D (His real name was [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Clemens[/name] if you didn’t know). It’s clearly masculine and a nice name. But it shared an initial with [name]Sawyer[/name] and is a pretty different style. I kind of love it for you and kind of don’t.
[name]Carson[/name]: I’ve never cared enormously for this name, and I for better or worse I feel like it’s in totally uni territory with [name]Sawyer[/name].
I like [name]Grant[/name], [name]Edison[/name], and [name]Samuel[/name] for you, probably in that order.
Good luck!
I like jesba’s suggestion of [name]Graham[/name]. I like [name]Grant[/name] with [name]Sawyer[/name] but the T’s might run together which could get annoying. [name]Graham[/name] is a good alternative. It’s a soft but strong name like [name]Sawyer[/name].
Thanks for the feedback! I had the same concerns about the t ending of [name]Grant[/name] with our last name. I also don’t know about the S initial with [name]Sawyer[/name]. I tried graham but my husband hates it. [name]Edison[/name] is an option but I am not sold on it either. [name]Love[/name] the name [name]Hudson[/name], but that’s our dog’s name :). I welcome other suggestions!!!
I love the names on your list!
Some other ideas:
I agree with a previous poster that since sawyer is unisex, you need a more masculine name. If you want some continuity you can do a male name that ends in “er”
Here are some suggestions for “er”:
Other suggestions:
[name]Grant[/name] is the obvious choice here for me. With using a masculine name for your daughter, you need a decidedly male name for your son. [name]Samuel[/name] would work as well, but I like [name]Grant[/name] a bit better. [name]Carson[/name] and [name]Edison[/name] don’t work at all.
Would [name]Preston[/name] work? Too popular? Curious, boyandgirl, what about [name]Edison[/name] and [name]Cardon[/name] don’t work. I am not upset just trying to understand potential issues.
I like [name]Edison[/name] or [name]Carson[/name] for you.
[name]Grant[/name] - I think [name]Grant[/name] is the best name for [name]Sawyer[/name]'s brother out of the list you have posted.
[name]Edison[/name] - Dislike.
[name]Samson[/name] - Eh : / Kind of matchy with [name]Sawyer[/name].
[name]Samuel[/name] - This is my favorite of the names you have listed, but it is too matchy with [name]Sawyer[/name].
[name]Carson[/name] - NMS
Though there are girls named [name]Sawyer[/name], I always assume people named [name]Sawyer[/name] are male. So, I would choose an especially masculine first or middle name for your little boy.
[name]Samson[/name] is my favorite!
I like [name]Grant[/name], but I might also suggest [name]Grove[/name]!