I am an 19 year old girl and I really hate marriage and motherhood and I am very scared.
When I think that one day I have to be someone’s wife and fall in love with him, it is strange to me and I am afraid of becoming a mother (and it may be strange but I hate the sound of a baby crying) I told my mother and she told me to just give myself time.
I absolutely hate sex and sexual activity so much ( [name_m]Even[/name_m] I hate when my dad hugs me )
Many of my peers are ready to get married and have children, but I’m afraid of how I want to manage a house and be good to my husband and be a good mother. I know this site is for parents but please help me
Thanks .
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
If you don’t want to get married, don’t.
If you don’t want to have kids, don’t.
You are in charge of your own destiny. Also, you’re very young. There’s no need to worry about those things right now. [name_m]Just[/name_m] do what your heart tells you. If for some reason, you end up changing your mind, you have plenty of time. Lots of people are waiting until their 30s nowadays to take those steps.
Give yourself time be gentle on yourself.
there’s no reason you have to get married or have kids if you don’t want to. more and more people are choosing to stay child-free, and plenty of people are unmarried by choice too. also, absolutely not pressuring you to label yourself here, but you might fall under the asexual umbrella - there’s a lot of online communities you can join if you want to talk to people experiencing something similar.
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself! It’s totally fine not to get married and/or not have kids! 100% your choice and no one else’s! As your mom said, maybe one day you will feel differently but you might not and either way is perfectly fine!
I would say just surround yourself with supportive people, especially if your parents don’t understand how you feel right now. I think parents often have dreams and hopes for their children (I.e., grandkids) and it can be hard to let that go. If in the long run you still feel kids and marriage are not for you, hopefully they will understand and respect your decision.
You definitely don’t need to answer this if you don’t want to, but… Is there a particular reason you feel like you have to get married and have babies?
I don’t mean this in a negative kind of way, but you sound very young, I think instead of focusing on what you see as your projected future get out and explore the world. Find the things you DO want to do, there are so many more options than just your traditional marriage and baby stuff. I don’t know what you’re cultural background is, but I don’t see why you would have to get married and or be a mother or house wife if you don’t want to, ever. But if when you’re older and decide to get married or have kids you don’t have to be traditional about that either. You’re future is what you make of it.
I am the only daughter in my family and my mother gave birth to me when she was 40 years old. She is afraid she will not live long enough to see my wedding and children. That’s why she always tells me that you should get married and have children before the age of 27. When I told her that I hated these things, she asked, “Aren’t you human?”
Also, in our family, late marriage is not good cause they think you have problems, and so far no one like me has hated sexual activity.
Getting married and having children later comes with difficulties, sacrifices like maybe being too old to play with or maybe even meet your grandkids etc but also has its benefits like wisdom, more life experience, which usually means more level headed and compassionate parenting, usually more financial security, being able to provide things like lessons, tutoring college tuition etc., etc,
Getting married young comes with difficulties, sacrifices like spending the prime of your life raising young children, sacrificing your body to carry kids, and maybe not being able to provide everything you wish you could to your kids and still having some growing up to do yourself and benefits like having more time to spend with your children, being healthier and having more energy, growing up together with your children.
Never getting married and having children has difficulties and sacrifices like not having family when you’re older, never experiencing the feeling of little hugs and kisses, never being a mother, never gett8ng to experience the pure and innocent love a child has for their mother and benefits of never having to worry whether you’re a good mother, being able to focus your time and energy on other good and beneficial things that you may not be able to do with children. Being able to focus solely on your physical and mental health
You have to decide which one of those paths is right for you and is going to make you happiest. Regardless of what anyone else thinks for you.
I’m sorry if this is too personal and you don’t have to answer me, but I’m just wondering if perhaps you are or might be autistic? That could explain, at least partially why you’re not interested in any of the things you mentioned. A lot of autistic people have a very hard time with all of those things and are completely uninterested in physical contact of any sort as well. Absolutely nothing wrong with being autistic! If that is the case
I really apologize if this is over the line, I am aiming to be as delicate as possible, and again, you do not have to answer anything. But since you’re asking for help, I feel it might be worth mentioning that it seems like you might have some family/marriage/relationship etc. related trauma that you may benefit from getting help with, if that is indeed the case? [name_m]Just[/name_m] to ease your panic and anxiety, NOT to encourage or push you to have a relationship, husband, children or any of those things!
You absolutely do not have to have or do anything of those things. You’re life can absolutely be fulfilling and happy and full of whatever you want! I’m so sorry your mother isn’t making you feel accepted as you are. Her comment about you not being human isn’t acceptable in the least. It sounds like she is putting her pain and desires on you to live vicariously. That’s not okay. Be yourself. [name_f]Live[/name_f] in whatever way makes you feel free, peaceful and joyful.