Please help me narrow down my list!

What do you think of these girl names? Please rank them or narrow them down. Thanks so much! Also, most of the i’s are long e sounds.

[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)

I like these names:
[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)

They’re all lovely, but I would narrow it down to [name]Eleni[/name] and [name]Coralie[/name], personally. :slight_smile: I love the literary [name]Cora[/name], and [name]Coralie[/name] is so vintage and charming. I love it. And [name]Eleni[/name]… somehow, it’s not my style at all, but I’ve fallen so hard for it. I love the quirky, spunky [name]Leni[/name] as a nn, the lithe, friendly [name]Eleni[/name] as a whole, and the image of Greece and smiling, chattering children with coal-black eyes and glowing dark hair. :slight_smile: I don’t know, there’s just something about [name]Eleni[/name] that I adore.

[name]Juliana[/name] would be my back-up for you, I really love it, but not as much as [name]Eleni[/name] and [name]Coralie[/name]. I like [name]Lena[/name] and [name]Adelaide[/name] a lot, too, but I think people would instinctively say [name]Lena[/name] as [name]LEE[/name]-nah or [name]LAY[/name]-nah, from what I’ve heard Lehna is a legitimate pronunciation but I hardly ever see it/hear it/come across it. I think [name]Eleni[/name] nn [name]Lena[/name] would be sweet, too.

Good luck!

[name]Alina[/name] -attractive but seems more a hodgepodge of sounds than a name. Not my favorite.
[name]Marina[/name] - nice one, I’d keep this.
[name]Petra[/name] - too clunky for my taste, I’d let it go.
[name]Juliana[/name] - nice one, I’d keep this.
[name]Seraphina[/name] - pretty but too trendy and frilly [name]IMO[/name].
[name]Natalie[/name] - classic, I like it and also [name]Natalia[/name].
Chrysanthi - appealing but too much. [name]Crisanta[/name] is better or let it go.
[name]Philippa[/name] - intriguing name that I think will be very much a 2012 bubble. I’d let it go.
[name]Theoni[/name] - I find this interesting but think the spelling [name]Theone[/name] looks better, or [name]Leonie[/name].
[name]Mariana[/name] - nice name, keep it.
[name]Marena[/name] - [name]Marina[/name] spelling is better.
[name]Eleni[/name] - on the fence about this one.
[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na) - Like it but think it is better as a nn. [name]Elena[/name] nn [name]Leni[/name].
[name]Angel[/name] - it’s OK but I like some of your others more. [name]Angelina[/name], [name]Angelica[/name], [name]Angela[/name]?
[name]Zoey[/name] -I like it but prefer the [name]Zoe[/name] spelling.
[name]Adelaide[/name] - like it
[name]Alika[/name] - don’t know this name
Maritsa - like it but like your other [name]Mari[/name]- names more
[name]Marcia[/name] -too dated
[name]Coralie[/name] - pretty!
Koralia - [name]Coralie[/name] is better
[name]Evathia[/name] - [name]Evanthe[/name] is preferable.

Keep: [name]Marina[/name], [name]Juliana[/name], [name]Natalie[/name], [name]Mariana[/name], and [name]Coralie[/name] is my advice and maybe consider [name]Elena[/name].

I like:
[name]Zoey[/name] (spelled [name]Zoe[/name], though)

I like:

[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)

My favorites are

[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)

[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na) - prefer this as a nn.

These ones are my favorites:

[name]Marina[/name], [name]Seraphina[/name], Chrysanthi, & [name]Lena[/name].

[name]Alina[/name]-- this is less obviously Greek and a bit more bland than your other choices
[name]Marina[/name]-- beautiful, dignified, saintly name, works in Italian & Greek, nature-inspired, easy to spell and pronounce: the winner. In honor of the Great Martyr [name]Marina[/name].
[name]Petra[/name]-- I’m very fond of this name, but it does strike others as heavy. It also feels more Slavic rather than Mediterranean. In honor of St [name]Peter[/name]
[name]Juliana[/name]-- beautiful and lilting
[name]Seraphina[/name]-- again beautiful and saintly, for St [name]Seraphim[/name]. Works in Italian as well as Greek. With a 2-syllable last name you can pull it off.
[name]Natalie[/name]-- prefer the Mediterranean [name]Natalia[/name]. [name]Natalia[/name] [name]Juliette[/name] would be a beautiful pairing.
Chrysanthi-- I love this name, ‘golden flower,’ but I would test-drive it with non-Orthodox friends. Also, not sure if there is a St Chrysanthi?
[name]Philippa[/name]-- beautiful and dignified; can be given in honor of St [name]Philip[/name]
[name]Theoni[/name]-- I love this name but the usual spelling, [name]Theone[/name], is misread as “the one.” Perhaps [name]Theonie[/name]?
[name]Mariana[/name]- beautiful but prefer [name]Marina[/name]-- less fussy and less close to marinara sauce.
[name]Marena[/name]-- much, much prefer [name]Marina[/name]
[name]Eleni[/name]- beautiful, light Greek name, in honor of St [name]Helena[/name]. [name]Will[/name] strike many as modern and will blend in well with the Kaylees, etc in her classroom.
[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)-- nice but less striking than your other choices
[name]Angel[/name]-- much prefer Abgela. [name]Angel[/name] is most commonly a Hispanic boys’ name; [name]Angela[/name] is classier
[name]Zoey[/name]-- not nearly as striking or dignified as your other choices
[name]Adelaide[/name]-- do not prefer-- enjoy your saintly Mediterranean choices more.
[name]Alika[/name]-- I don’t know this name either. I looked it up and saw it was a Hawaiian version of [name]Alice[/name]? Either way, not as distinctive as your other choices.
Koralia- don’t care for the K
[name]Evathia[/name]- love, though would spell [name]Evanthe[/name] / Evanthia

I like these names…

[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)

Faves: (1) [name]Eleni[/name] (2) [name]Petra[/name] and (3) [name]Marina[/name]


[name]Eleni[/name] [name]Seraphina[/name]
[name]Eleni[/name] [name]Philippa[/name]

[name]Petra[/name] [name]Coralie[/name]
[name]Petra[/name] Chrysanthi

[name]Marina[/name] Chrysanthi
[name]Marina[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name]

marina and coralie :slight_smile: i also like natalia, but not natalie so much.

I love [name]Seraphina[/name]!

[name]Eleni[/name], [name]Philippa[/name], [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Coralie[/name] and [name]Evathia[/name] are the only other ones I like.

These are my favorites:


[name]Philippa[/name] - my name :wink:

these are my favourites, but my favourite from them all is [name]Coralie[/name], it’s just beautiful and I love the NN [name]Cora[/name]!

I like…