I like these names:
[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)
They’re all lovely, but I would narrow it down to [name]Eleni[/name] and [name]Coralie[/name], personally. I love the literary [name]Cora[/name], and [name]Coralie[/name] is so vintage and charming. I love it. And [name]Eleni[/name]… somehow, it’s not my style at all, but I’ve fallen so hard for it. I love the quirky, spunky [name]Leni[/name] as a nn, the lithe, friendly [name]Eleni[/name] as a whole, and the image of Greece and smiling, chattering children with coal-black eyes and glowing dark hair. I don’t know, there’s just something about [name]Eleni[/name] that I adore.
[name]Juliana[/name] would be my back-up for you, I really love it, but not as much as [name]Eleni[/name] and [name]Coralie[/name]. I like [name]Lena[/name] and [name]Adelaide[/name] a lot, too, but I think people would instinctively say [name]Lena[/name] as [name]LEE[/name]-nah or [name]LAY[/name]-nah, from what I’ve heard Lehna is a legitimate pronunciation but I hardly ever see it/hear it/come across it. I think [name]Eleni[/name] nn [name]Lena[/name] would be sweet, too.
[name]Alina[/name] -attractive but seems more a hodgepodge of sounds than a name. Not my favorite.
[name]Marina[/name] - nice one, I’d keep this.
[name]Petra[/name] - too clunky for my taste, I’d let it go.
[name]Juliana[/name] - nice one, I’d keep this.
[name]Seraphina[/name] - pretty but too trendy and frilly [name]IMO[/name].
[name]Natalie[/name] - classic, I like it and also [name]Natalia[/name].
Chrysanthi - appealing but too much. [name]Crisanta[/name] is better or let it go.
[name]Philippa[/name] - intriguing name that I think will be very much a 2012 bubble. I’d let it go.
[name]Theoni[/name] - I find this interesting but think the spelling [name]Theone[/name] looks better, or [name]Leonie[/name].
[name]Mariana[/name] - nice name, keep it.
[name]Marena[/name] - [name]Marina[/name] spelling is better.
[name]Eleni[/name] - on the fence about this one.
[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na) - Like it but think it is better as a nn. [name]Elena[/name] nn [name]Leni[/name].
[name]Angel[/name] - it’s OK but I like some of your others more. [name]Angelina[/name], [name]Angelica[/name], [name]Angela[/name]?
[name]Zoey[/name] -I like it but prefer the [name]Zoe[/name] spelling.
[name]Adelaide[/name] - like it
[name]Alika[/name] - don’t know this name
Maritsa - like it but like your other [name]Mari[/name]- names more
[name]Marcia[/name] -too dated
[name]Coralie[/name] - pretty!
Koralia - [name]Coralie[/name] is better
[name]Evathia[/name] - [name]Evanthe[/name] is preferable.
Keep: [name]Marina[/name], [name]Juliana[/name], [name]Natalie[/name], [name]Mariana[/name], and [name]Coralie[/name] is my advice and maybe consider [name]Elena[/name].
[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na) - prefer this as a nn.
[name]Alina[/name]-- this is less obviously Greek and a bit more bland than your other choices
[name]Marina[/name]-- beautiful, dignified, saintly name, works in Italian & Greek, nature-inspired, easy to spell and pronounce: the winner. In honor of the Great Martyr [name]Marina[/name].
[name]Petra[/name]-- I’m very fond of this name, but it does strike others as heavy. It also feels more Slavic rather than Mediterranean. In honor of St [name]Peter[/name]
[name]Juliana[/name]-- beautiful and lilting
[name]Seraphina[/name]-- again beautiful and saintly, for St [name]Seraphim[/name]. Works in Italian as well as Greek. With a 2-syllable last name you can pull it off.
[name]Natalie[/name]-- prefer the Mediterranean [name]Natalia[/name]. [name]Natalia[/name] [name]Juliette[/name] would be a beautiful pairing.
Chrysanthi-- I love this name, ‘golden flower,’ but I would test-drive it with non-Orthodox friends. Also, not sure if there is a St Chrysanthi?
[name]Philippa[/name]-- beautiful and dignified; can be given in honor of St [name]Philip[/name]
[name]Theoni[/name]-- I love this name but the usual spelling, [name]Theone[/name], is misread as “the one.” Perhaps [name]Theonie[/name]?
[name]Mariana[/name]- beautiful but prefer [name]Marina[/name]-- less fussy and less close to marinara sauce.
[name]Marena[/name]-- much, much prefer [name]Marina[/name]
[name]Eleni[/name]- beautiful, light Greek name, in honor of St [name]Helena[/name]. [name]Will[/name] strike many as modern and will blend in well with the Kaylees, etc in her classroom.
[name]Lena[/name] (Leh-na)-- nice but less striking than your other choices
[name]Angel[/name]-- much prefer Abgela. [name]Angel[/name] is most commonly a Hispanic boys’ name; [name]Angela[/name] is classier
[name]Zoey[/name]-- not nearly as striking or dignified as your other choices
[name]Adelaide[/name]-- do not prefer-- enjoy your saintly Mediterranean choices more.
[name]Alika[/name]-- I don’t know this name either. I looked it up and saw it was a Hawaiian version of [name]Alice[/name]? Either way, not as distinctive as your other choices.
Koralia- don’t care for the K
[name]Evathia[/name]- love, though would spell [name]Evanthe[/name] / Evanthia
[name]Philippa[/name] - my name
these are my favourites, but my favourite from them all is [name]Coralie[/name], it’s just beautiful and I love the NN [name]Cora[/name]!