Please Help name our baby #4! Our 3 sons- Hayden Alan, Reilly Gerald, Maddox Calvin

We are expecting our 4th and final baby, and we really want a name that sounds well with our other sons. The pattern of our 3 son’s names are that all have surnames as first names, and all have a family middle name. Also, all are 2 syllable names.

[name]Hayden[/name] [name]Alan[/name], [name]Reilly[/name] [name]Gerald[/name], [name]Maddox[/name] [name]Calvin[/name],… and coming soon #4! We don’t know if this baby is boy or girl, but here are the names we like. We are fond of unisex names. We do not want a name that ryhmes or has the same phonetic sound of any of our 3 son’s names… so here is what we have come up with! PLEASE comment, add and give your insight! Thank you heeps! FYI- [name]Palmer[/name], [name]Doris[/name], [name]Joseph[/name], Meadows, and Adam and Kate are the family names we would consider for a MN. We are an edgy, hip couple but love the vintage names our family has. Also, I am a grandaughter of a [name]Brit[/name], and tend to lean towards the popular UK names.

[name]Sailor[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] (b/g)
[name]Story[/name] Meadows or [name]Story[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] (b/g)
[name]Charlotte[/name] Meadows (g)
[name]Palmer[/name] [name]Doris[/name] (g)
[name]Palmer[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] (b)

[name]Scarlett[/name] (g)
[name]Vero[/name] (b/g)
[name]Ever[/name] (b/g)
[name]Wells[/name] (b)
Lulabelle (g)
[name]Tula[/name] (g)
[name]Callister[/name] (b/g)
Jasper Adam or Jasper Doris or Jasper Meadows (b/g)
Devereux (b/g)

Please, all feedback and ideas are [name]WELCOME[/name] and encouraged!!!

For a girl, I love [name]Tula[/name] (or how about Tulia?) Meadows, and I think [name]Wells[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] would be perfect for a boy!

Thank you for your feedback! Tulia is nice. I thinks it is a coffee company here. [name]Wells[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] sounds good also!
I should mention, our last name is [name]Buchanan[/name].

Thanks! Keep the suggestions coming!

[name]Wells[/name] [name]Buchanan[/name] is so handsome. I also like [name]Scarlett[/name] with your ln. [name]How[/name] about [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Ellis[/name]?

mmm, both of those have a great ring to them!
[name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] is pretty… [name]Wells[/name] is growing on me!! What do you think about [name]Jasper[/name]? I forgot to add it originally, so I edited the post. For either a boy or girl?

I like [name]Palmer[/name] for a boy, not a girl.
[name]Jasper[/name] for a boy, as well.

For girls, I like [name]Ever[/name] and Lulabelle.
[name]Ever[/name] Meadows
Lulabelle [name]Kate[/name]

But [name]Wells[/name] is just killing me with how great it would go with your last name!! I love it!

I like [name]Jasper[/name], for a boy. BUT I love [name]Wells[/name] so much with your ln!

Im leaning towards [name]Palmer[/name] for a boy bc your sons names all have different endings, and I’m the type that doesnt like repetitions!!
[name]Palmer[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] is my favorite. I also looove [name]Ever[/name] for a girl but am not crazy about it in combination with the family names you’ve listed. Are there any others you would consider?

Thank you!! I am also BIG on not having repetition in my children’s names. Which is why I have axed soooo many wonderful choices. I am also really leary of using any of the letters that we have already used for first names. Which means H,R and M are out. Pity, since I love the name [name]Harlow[/name]/[name]Marlow[/name] so much.

[name]Palmer[/name] is a family name… so we could go [name]Palmer[/name] [name]Wells[/name]? Let’s see, [name]William[/name] is another family name we could toss in the mix for a boy, and [name]Nellie[/name], [name]Grace[/name] and [name]Rosalie[/name] are all family names too.

Sorry, I have added one more that I am just in love with. Devereux. for a boy or a girl. It is a surname first name choice, and has the “o” sound, which is good because it does not rhyme with any of our other children… but it does end in X like our youngest child, and it does not follow the 2 syllable rule… nonetheless, it really strikes me. Thoughts? What of these family names would you pair it with for boy/girl?

[name]Sailor[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] (b/g) I think that I like this combo as [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Sailor[/name] it has better flow and I really like [name]Ellis[/name], it is unusual and yet familiar, not trendy but on trend, suitable for a boy or a girl.

[name]Story[/name] Meadows or [name]Story[/name] [name]Ellis[/name] (b/g) For a daughter I really like [name]Astoria[/name] [name]Meadow[/name] nn [name]Story[/name]. I don’t see a fit for [name]Story[/name] if the child is a boy.

[name]Charlotte[/name] Meadows (g) A lovely choice

[name]Palmer[/name] [name]Doris[/name] (g)I am not taken with this combo. I see [name]Palmer[/name] more as a boy’s name, combo of [name]Palmer[/name] [name]Wells[/name], and for a girl [name]Indigo[/name] [name]Palmer[/name] nn [name]Indie[/name].

I like [name]Willow[/name] [name]Palmer[/name] for a daughter and [name]Miller[/name]/[name]Mila[/name] [name]Pamela[/name]

[name]Devon[/name] [name]Palmer[/name] is imo a good name for a son but also okay for a girl.

[name]Scarlett[/name] (g)[name]Lovely[/name] choice for a bright spunky girl, [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Palmer[/name]

[name]Vero[/name] (b/g) Not a fan. [name]Vaughn[/name] for a boy and [name]Vana[/name] for a girl.

[name]Ever[/name] (b/g) [name]Jamison[/name] [name]Ever[/name] sounds handsome to me

[name]Wells[/name] (b) Better as a middle name. Eg [name]Fletcher[/name] [name]Wells[/name]

Lulabelle (g) Too cutesy I would encourage [name]Lola[/name], [name]Lola[/name] [name]Imogen[/name] as a combo

[name]Tula[/name] (g)Not a good fit with your other children. [name]Tallulah[/name] nn [name]Lulu[/name] would make a good substitute [name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Meadow[/name] is pretty.

[name]Callister[/name] (b/g)Yes it has the vibe of [name]Ellis[/name] and could be a boy/girl with nn of [name]Callie[/name] being very suitable for a daughter. I would actually prefer [name]Calista[/name]. However I think that [name]Callister[/name] is better for a daughter because it has the [name]Alice[/name] sound in it.

[name]Jasper[/name] [name]Adam[/name] or [name]Jasper[/name] [name]Doris[/name] or [name]Jasper[/name] Meadows (b/g)I can’t bear [name]Jasper[/name] going to the girls, it is such a handsome boy’s name, very hip.

I think [name]Jasper[/name] [name]Devereaux[/name] is so handsome, it has real star appeal.

I would be interested to know if any of these suggestions appeal to you.


[name]Ever[/name] [name]Grace[/name]…maybe it’s just me but I think that would be gorgeous if you had a little girl!

Wow thank you! These are some great choices! I do really love [name]Jasper[/name] [name]Devereaux[/name]!
I also think [name]Scarlet[/name] [name]Palmer[/name] has a beautiful ring to it. [name]Ellis[/name] [name]Sailor[/name] has been tossed around. My problem is I really feel like I need to use a family name, and neither of those are… You have offered MANY great choices for me to think about. I also reall love [name]Callister[/name], what about [name]Callister[/name] [name]Palmer[/name]. too rhymey? Lastly, my husband suggested using a good friend of his who passed in the name. [name]Ryan[/name].
What about [name]Palmer[/name] [name]Ryan[/name]? or?? ugh!