Our baby #3 is due in 6 weeks. My husband and I have very different naming styles (he likes very traditional names, I like Celtic-style names) and we’re having a hard time landing on our son’s name. Our first two kiddos are Jacob (goes by Jakey) and Sophie. I would like this little one’s name to be a bit less popular than his sibling’s names are however. James and William are family names and I struggle between honoring family and our son having a name that he will always have to go by his first name and last initial in class.
[name_u]James[/name_u] is the [name_f]English[/name_f] version of [name_m]Jacob[/name_m] - i.e. the same name but the version that is the most commonly used first name in the United States over the last 100 years. I love [name_u]Liam[/name_u] and think it would be unlikely there would be two in the class despite it being a popular name in the last few years. Using it for [name_u]William[/name_u] is a good way to mix a classic name with a Celtic feel. [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] is a good name too. Would you consider [name_u]Owen[/name_u]?
I think [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] is your best bet. [name_m]Jacob[/name_m], [name_f]Sophie[/name_f] and [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] sound great together, and [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] is just that little bit different so it feels interesting, but not so wildly different that it clashes with [name_m]Jacob[/name_m] and [name_f]Sophie[/name_f].
Would [name_u]William[/name_u] work as a middle name? [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] [name_u]William[/name_u]. As @EJK1720 mentioned, [name_u]James[/name_u] and [name_m]Jacob[/name_m] are essentially the same name, so you have already honoured [name_u]James[/name_u] by using [name_m]Jacob[/name_m].
I like [name_u]Tristan[/name_u] and [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] for you too, but [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] is one of my favourites.