Please help! (very short list, running out of ideas)

[name]Clementine[/name] is my favorite on your list, but I love [name]Imogen[/name] too. I think all three combos work. Is there a reason that [name]Phoebe[/name] has two middles?

Not really, only [name]Phoebe[/name] [name]Valentine[/name] felt a bit sweet. [name]Jane[/name] grounds it a bit. I know of two baby girls named [name]Phoebe[/name] [name]Jane[/name], so it felt odd as an option.

Does anyone know of any characters in literature named [name]Clementine[/name]? It feels a bit sweet and little girl-ish to me, and the only characters I could find were in children’s books. ("[name]Clementine[/name] literature" turns up a bunch of missives and sermons Pope [name]Clement[/name] wrote).

[name]Both[/name] [name]Phoebe[/name] and [name]Imogen[/name] seem like girl-about-town names, ones with class and zest. Any other thoughts?