Please share your opinion on

[name_u]Basil[/name_u], with the nickname [name_m]Baz[/name_m]. This would be for an 18 year old, not a newborn.


I love [name_u]Basil[/name_u] “Baz”! It reminds me of [name_m]Baz[/name_m] from [name_f]Carry[/name_f] On. [name_f]My[/name_f] instinct is to pronounce [name_u]Basil[/name_u] like bay-zil, as opposed to baz-ill, which makes the nickname less intuitive, but depending on where you live this may be less of an issue.


[name_u]Basil[/name_u] is a favorite of mine, and I adore the nn “Baz” for it! I also enjoy getting “Baz” from [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] / [name_m]Bastian[/name_m]. I think the name has charm and a sophisticated feel to it, while feeling fresh!

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It’s a name I had considered before actually, and I’m reading [name_f]Carry[/name_f] On now! The nickname is what made me fall in love with the name. It would be pronounced bays-il due to my location, but I figure I can just tell people about the nickname when I tell them my name. Thank you for your input!

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[name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] wouldn’t fit me, and to be quite honest [name_m]Bastian[/name_m] makes me think of ba***rd. A descriptive word that does come to mind for me with [name_u]Basil[/name_u] is definitely “fresh”! I appreciate the help.

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Haha I definitely understand that! :joy: No problem, and good luck!

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When I say [name_u]Basil[/name_u] I instinctively say it like the spice is pronounced so a nn [name_m]Baz[/name_m] is like”Wait? What?” And then a “oh yea some people say this name differently.”

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I like that pronunciation so much! I just know I won’t get it in my area.

Love it. So charming!

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I think so, thank you!

[name_u]Basil[/name_u] nn [name_m]Baz[/name_m] is vintage and clunky and cool!!

[name_u]Basil[/name_u] is a nice name! I can definitely imagine it on a boy or girl. It totally works!

[name_u]Basil[/name_u] is fantastic! The nickname [name_m]Baz[/name_m] is the cherry on top!

I love [name_u]Basil[/name_u], one of my favorites!! I would love to see it on a real person. nn [name_m]Baz[/name_m] is so cool too!

Depends for me. BAH-zull is cool for a name but
BAY-zil like the spice, I don’t really like

I like [name_u]Basil[/name_u] with the nickname [name_m]Baz[/name_m]! It would be great for an eighteen year old