If our last name starts with M, should I stay away from first names that start with B - to avoid the initials BM? Or would it not really matter as long as it was a B for the first name, with a different letter in between, for example initials BWM? My husband doesn’t think it’s a big deal at all, but I can’t decide if we should just stay away from all B names. Opinions???
Not at all.
I think a B name would be okay. Though, if you like a B name and a, let’s say, K name equally, I’d personally go with the K name. But if you love a B name, I don’t think the initials are a big enough issue to stress over. Most people would never even notice.
In this day and age, there’s always something that would share the same initials of your child.
I don’t think BM is terrible. I didn’t know what it meant until a year ago when I was speaking to a friend’s husband who manufactures nappies! I had no idea but I guess if you have medical people in the family it might conjure up the word association more regularly.
I don’t have a clue what’s bad about BM (clearly not seeing your reference) so I’m going to say this isn’t an issue.
I think they’re fine x Not a deal breaker imo
Thanks everyone, this is reassuring! And for those trying to figure out what BM stands for, it’s bowel movement - so not exactly a desirable thing. But I’m glad to see that’s not the first thing everyone thinks of!
Those are my sister’s initials (BEM). It’s never been an issue that I know of.
I had a boy with those initials who was in my grade in school and when some of the older children found out what it meant they really teased him. That was probably when we were in second grade or something, didn’t last overly long and I don’t believe it’s been a problem ever since but it did happen. That being said I don’t think it damaged him to be teased a little and the possibility wouldn’t be a deal breaker for me if I were in your shoes.
I’m sure it won’t be an issue.
No, I know a few people with these initials and they have never had problems, good luck
I don’t think it’s an obvious thing to most people, but being in the medical field, I tend to notice it right away. That being said, I think there could be worse initials.
I think of Bowel Movement.