Please tell me what you think of Leland James...also, sibset options?

[name]Leland[/name] [name]James[/name] is our current frontrunner for a boy. [name]Leland[/name] (pronounced lee-land, not lay-land) was DH’s late grandpa’s name. [name]James[/name] is my dad’s name.

On one hand, [name]Leland[/name] is unusual but it bears all the markings of trendy names today: It’s vintage, sounds a bit like a surname, has a unisex vibe, is pleasant sounding, etc.

On the other hand, I’m not sure that I’m in love with it. I worry about what “kind” of a name it is.

So, how would you classify [name]Leland[/name]? I want something classic/established, yet uncommon. Does it meet the criteria?
Or, does it sound kind of trendy to you? We have friends who just named their son [name]Ryland[/name], which I strongly dislike. To me, it sounds juvenile, kind of made-up, etc. Does [name]Leland[/name] sound like that?

Also, what are some sibset options that would go with [name]Leland[/name]. I want to know what group it would fit in to. Is it more of a “[name]Henry[/name]” name or a “[name]Ryland[/name]” name? What are your thoughts on [name]Leland[/name] with our frontrunner girl name - [name]Eloise[/name]? Other suggestions would also be appreciated!


I think it is a very nice and handsome name! Doesn’t sound trendy at all. I actually love it with [name]Eloise[/name].

To be honest, its not my style.

[name]Sib[/name] [name]Set[/name]:
[name]Leland[/name] and [name]Charlie[/name]
[name]Leland[/name] and [name]Tobias[/name]
[name]Leland[/name] and [name]Mateo[/name]
[name]Leland[/name] and [name]Baron[/name]
[name]Leland[/name] and [name]Grady[/name]
[name]Leland[/name] and [name]Everett[/name]

Other Ideas:

I think [name]Leland[/name] is a handsome well established name with some history you might have to correct pronunciation sometimes (my first instinct is to pronounce it lay-land) but besides that I think it’s great, for [name]Leland[/name]'s siblings I would choose something like…


I think of [name]Leland[/name] [name]Stanford[/name]. If anything it strikes me as a 19th century industrialist’s name, a bit heavy and antiquated. However it’s phonetics are very much in line with modern trends, so it will blend in well.

Contrary to pp, who might not yet have learned about [name]Leland[/name] [name]Stanford[/name] in school, I do not think it sounds a bit fabricated.

Oh my, [name]Leland[/name] is a [name]LOVELY[/name] name. It definitely has the common characteristics that the trendy names have, yet an undiscovered gem. I would classify [name]Leland[/name] as vintage gentleman. He sounds like an upperclassman with charm. I would classify it as more of a “[name]Henry[/name]”

I really like it. I would think of it as closer to [name]Leopold[/name] than [name]Ryland[/name].

Definitely projects the image you’re going for. It does sound good with the current trendy names but to me it’s outside those trends & that’s a good & versatile thing imo.

I pair [name]Leopold[/name] with it in my mind, but [name]Leopold[/name] might stand out more as “weird” to a less name obsessed crowd while [name]Leland[/name] rolls of the tongue