Please vote:)

See the results of this poll: Elowyn or Elowen

Respondents: 33 (This poll is closed)

  • Elowyn Bianca : 7 (21%)
  • Elowen Bianca: 26 (79%)

and if you could tell me why you pick what you pick? is it the masculine/feminine thing?

I picked [name]Elowen[/name] because I have an aversion to names with ‘y’ in the middle for some reason. I don’t know, I guess they seem dated or like they are kre8ively spelled or something. (And I understand that some names legitimately are spelled that way… but I still have the same reaction.)

[name]Elowen[/name] looks classier [name]IMO[/name].

I usually like the letter Y in names, but I think [name]Elowen[/name] looks so streamlined and smooth. Therefore, my vote is for [name]Elowen[/name]:slight_smile: Beautiful name by the way!

[name]Elowen[/name] looks prettier to my eye. [name]Even[/name] if pronounced the same, the way the letters are arranged gives me a different impression. -wyn names look squished to me. Elowyn looks pinched, while [name]Elowen[/name] looks more flowing. Could be my quirk though. :slight_smile: