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See the results of this poll: Which do you prefer as the longform for Annie?

Respondents: 107 (This poll is closed)

  • Annabel : 63 (50%)
  • Savannah : 23 (18%)
  • Antonia : 23 (18%)
  • Annie: 16 (13%)

[name]Susannah[/name]. It’s much nicer than [name]Savannah[/name].

I voted for [name]Annabel[/name] - I love it, and I think it is a new classic that will stand the test of time.

I know [name]Susannah[/name] is a fast favourite of Nameberries, but I honestly hate it.

[name]How[/name] about [name]Anne[/name] nn [name]Annie[/name]? Or [name]Annika[/name]?
I love [name]Susannah[/name], but that looks like I no go for you. I don’t think of savannah as a stripper name.

There is nothing wrong with naming your child what you intend to call her, either.

[name]Love[/name], love, love [name]Annabel[/name] nn [name]Annie[/name]. I like the suggestion of [name]Annika[/name], too, and I think [name]Anneliese[/name], [name]Johanna[/name], [name]Xanthe[/name], [name]Liliana[/name]/[name]Ariana[/name]/etc., [name]Anais[/name], [name]Hannelore[/name]/Hannelotte/[name]Hannah[/name], etc. are lovely ways to get to [name]Annie[/name], too.

I wouldn’t think [name]Savannah[/name] was a stripper name, haha. I don’t like [name]Annie[/name] as a full name, but you could go with simple [name]Anna[/name] though. GL

I think [name]Annie[/name] is fine as a full name, but I’d prefer something like [name]Anne[/name]/[name]Ann[/name]. I voted [name]Antonia[/name], but [name]Annie[/name] doesn’t seem an intuitive nickname for me…I mean, obviously, the sound is right, but [name]Annie[/name] is so strongly associated with the [name]Anna[/name] names that I don’t think it quite works for me.

I voted [name]Antonia[/name] but [name]Annabel[/name] is also lovely. However, my favorite is the sweet and classic [name]Anna[/name]!

I voted for [name]Savannah[/name] because I really like that name and I don’t think it’s a stripper name at all.

I think use [name]Annie[/name]. I really dislike nicknames. If she will be called [name]Annie[/name], I would name her [name]Annie[/name] or [name]Anne[/name].

I like [name]Anabel[/name] a lot.

And I agree with sarahmez that [name]Susannah[/name] is lovely and I prefer it to [name]Savannah[/name]

I voted for [name]Annabel[/name]. It would be cute on a little girl, but I also know an 18 year old with the name.

I think [name]Annie[/name] works fine on its own, but I also like the earlier suggestions of [name]Anne[/name]/[name]Anna[/name].

I voted for [name]Annabel[/name] and [name]Savannah[/name], both are very pretty! I also like [name]Anne[/name] a lot. :slight_smile:

[name]Annabel[/name] is the best, or just [name]Anne[/name]/[name]Anna[/name].

I love [name]Savannah[/name]!! And [name]Annie[/name] is a wonderful choice as a nn. As a fn it would be to short for me, though. And I never heard anyone say that [name]Savannah[/name] sounds like a stripper name :wink: Not at all!!

I’d definitely go with [name]Annabel[/name] or just [name]Annie[/name] {or even [name]Anna[/name]?}. [name]Savannah[/name] is quite trendy, and I feel that it’s starting to become a little dated almost.

Voted for [name]Annabel[/name] - it’s a classic name, so I think it absolutely will stand the test of time.

[name]Annie[/name] seems a bit unsubstantial as a full name, but it could work.

[name]Antonia[/name] is nice, too, though I strongly prefer [name]Annabel[/name].

[name]Savannah[/name] - maybe not a stripper name per se, but I wouldn’t take a doctor or lawyer with the name [name]Savannah[/name] as seriously as I would one with the name [name]Annabel[/name] or [name]Antonia[/name].

[name]Annabel[/name], but spelled [name]Annabelle[/name]. :slight_smile: