Poll: Clara...?

Which middle name for [name_f]Clara[/name_f]
  • Adeline
  • Rose
  • Olive

0 voters


You can’t really go wrong they’re all beautiful names! However I chose [name_f]Rose[/name_f] simply because the open vowel ending of [name_f]Clara[/name_f] with the vowels at the beginning of [name_f]Olive[/name_f] and [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] are a little harder for me to say.

Clara [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] is really pretty!

Clara [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] is lovely

Clara [name_f]Olive[/name_f] is lovely!

I forgot to add- we are in Australia so [name_f]Clara[/name_f] pronounced Clar rhyming with Car-a. Not sure if that makes any difference with the middle name combination!