Poll: Do you like this or that better?

Which of these do you prefer, for either boy or girl?

  • Weston / Westyn
  • Westley
0 voters


[name_m]Weston[/name_m] > [name_m]Westley[/name_m] > [name_m]Westyn[/name_m]


[name_m]Weston[/name_m] or [name_u]Wesley[/name_u]


I like [name_m]Westley[/name_m] :slight_smile:

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@ethelmary @cms1512 @Greyblue

Thanks so much! [name_f]Do[/name_f] any of these options (variations) feel more usable for a girl than the others? If so, which one? How would you spell it?

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[name_m]Westley[/name_m] would be very nice on a girl imo! Very cool name. I would spell it this way.

[name_m]Weston[/name_m] looks more masculine to me and I’m not really a fan of how [name_m]Westyn[/name_m] looks (also don’t think the spelling makes it more feminine)

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Fav to least fav

  1. [name_u]Wesley[/name_u]
  2. [name_m]Weston[/name_m]
  3. [name_m]Westley[/name_m]
  4. [name_m]Westyn[/name_m]

Agree with [name_m]Weston[/name_m] > [name_m]Westley[/name_m] > [name_m]Westyn[/name_m], at least for a boy. [name_m]Westley[/name_m] feels maybe more usable on a girl.

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I think they could all work - but Westley would work better there for me. I’d spell it like that, but Westlee or Westleigh might make it more ‘obvious’

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