Poll for Raphael nn Rafe (r-ay-f) OR Thurston

See the results of this poll: Which do you prefer?

Respondents: 27 (This poll is closed)

  • Raphael nn Rafe (r-ay-f) : 24 (89%)
  • Thurston: 3 (11%)

[name_u]Lake[/name_u] and [name_m]Donovan[/name_m] are such great names!

I [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] [name_u]Rafe[/name_u]. I’ve always like it as a stand alone name, but I’m really liking it as a nickname for [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] as well. I know someone named [name_m]Rafael[/name_m] that goes by [name_m]Rafi[/name_m], which I also like. It’s such a great, versatile name that can be playful and laidback yet I can see it on a grown-up professional as well.

[name_m]Thurston[/name_m] just seems so uptight with no nickname options to soften it up. Plus, the THURST part just makes me think of being thirsty.

I definitely prefer [name_m]Raphael[/name_m]. I enjoy the Renaissance art association and just like the look and sound of it in general.

[name_m]Thurston[/name_m] is the surname of quite a prominent/well-known sportsperson here in Australia, so that’s all I can think of. Also, I cannot for the life of me un-see/un-hear “thirst” - in a surname it’s fine, but in a given, first name, it’s not the best.