Poll - Remi or Remy? πŸ’•

Hey again berries,

So we have finally settled on our first name - yay!

Now I need to be sure on the spelling. I read Remi is usually for a girl and Remy for a boy, however with it being more of a unisex name I think either would work - please vote for your favourite.

  • Remi
  • Remy
0 voters

Thanks as always :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I like both but [name_f]Remi[/name_f] a little more

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Thank you. I’m so unsure, hoping this poll will help!

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[name_f]Remi[/name_f] :two_hearts:

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[name_m]Ah[/name_m] it’s still so close! :thinking:

I always think that all names that end in β€œI” is for girls and names that end in β€œY” is for boys. Like β€œSami” would be girl and β€œSammy” would be boy. So I automatically think [name_m]Remy[/name_m] is for boys and [name_f]Remi[/name_f] is for girls

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I voted [name_f]Remi[/name_f] for a girl (I’d prefer [name_m]Remy[/name_m] for a boy).

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Thanks to all who commented/voted. It’s been very close the entire time (almost 50/50) - we’ve decided to go for [name_f]Remi[/name_f] :heartbeat: