At the moment, I have [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] paired with Olivien. I love it as a combo theoretically but since my brother and step brother are both named [name_u]Oliver[/name_u], I think Olivien is off the cards for me :((. [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] has become probably my top boy’s fn recently so I’m looking for a combo I love just as much as [name_u]Blaise[/name_u] Olivien and that feels equally me.
Here’s a little poll on ones I’ve been considering, but I’m looking for suggestions too…
Blaise ______
Blaise [name_m]Aurelien[/name_m]
Blaise [name_u]Janvier[/name_u]
Blaise [name_m]Leonce[/name_m]
I’m not sure any of these feel exactly ‘right’ rn, I need convincing.
Blaise [name_m]Aurelian[/name_m] is super cool! How do you pronounce [name_m]Leonce[/name_m]? I’m saying lee-OHN-seh but I wanna make sure I’m saying right