Poll: Viola Katherine Ruth

See the results of this poll: Viola Katherine Ruth, what do you think?

Respondents: 83 (This poll is closed)

  • Perfect: 10 (12%)
  • I like this combo. :D: 21 (25%)
  • I don’t like this combo :(: 3 (4%)
  • I think this combo is awful! >$: 2 (2%)
  • Not the greatest flow: 11 (13%)
  • I don’t see an issue with flow: 7 (8%)
  • Meaning trumps any silly "flow" worries: 14 (17%)
  • It’s too stodgy: 1 (1%)
  • It’s sophisticated. : 14 (17%)
  • It’s not stodgy enough: 0 (0%)

I’m afraid I’m no help. I can’t get past [name]Viola[/name]'s Spanish meaning. :?

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] doesn’t have great flow, so I wouldn’t use that. Plus, [name]Elizabeth[/name] has unfortunately become a sort of stock middle name.

As for [name]Viola[/name] [name]May[/name] vs. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Faye[/name], I think both are lovely, but [name]Viola[/name] [name]May[/name] is prettier. [name]How[/name] is [name]Viola[/name] [name]May[/name] [name]Audrey[/name]? It has nice flow. I think what you mentioned is a strong enough connection!

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecilia[/name] is too much. Why not [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name]? [name]Viola[/name] [name]May[/name] [name]Cecily[/name]? Okay, here are some I came up with, including variations of names you listed:

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Mabel[/name] [name]Faye[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]May[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Louise[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Helen[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Kate[/name] [name]Louella[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Mary[/name] [name]Elise[/name]

I hope that helps!

[name]Viola[/name] followed by a hard C or K sound seems to flow nicely to me.

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Caprice[/name]

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Celeste[/name]

which makes me wonder if an S sound might also work.

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Sabrine[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Suzanne[/name]

Any of these working for you?


[name]Don[/name]'t use [name]Elizabeth[/name] as a middle name, at least not for the first girl. [name]Dashiell[/name], [name]Viola[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name] are perfect. [name]Dash[/name], [name]Lola[/name], and [name]Betsey[/name]. [name]Just[/name], don’t use it for a middle, please?

[name]Faye[/name] is such a sweet way to honor the grannies! I love that. [name]May[/name] is nice, too. [name]Faye[/name] is a bit more special, though, yea? [name]Lola[/name] [name]Faye[/name] is really adorable, I think. Off your list, [name]Viola[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] is best, but I don’t really care for [name]Viola[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] [name]Elaine[/name]. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] [name]May[/name] would be my favorite.

Hm. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Marianne[/name] [name]May[/name]? For his [name]Mary[/name], both of your [name]Ann[/name]'s, and your [name]May[/name]? I like that very much. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]? Oh, that’s all you. But I love it! [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] is really divine. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]May[/name]? [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Faye[/name]? [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name], for his [name]Elaine[/name] and your [name]Cecilia[/name]? Since [name]Elaine[/name] is a variant of [name]Helen[/name], any [name]Ellen[/name] variant works, hence [name]Eleanor[/name]. And, you did tell me about [name]Eleanor[/name] of [name]Aquitaine[/name], right? There’s a link there? [name]Viola[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] [name]Mary[/name]? Very classic yet distinguished.


[name]Viola[/name]'s lovely! I really like [name]Lemon[/name]'s suggestions of [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Viola[/name] [name]Marianne[/name] [name]May[/name]. [name]How[/name] about [name]Viola[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] Lulette?

I thought [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]May[/name] (or [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Rose[/name], which might be too flowery), right away as I was reading your initial post! Gorgeous, and I’m thrilled you both agree on [name]Viola[/name]!

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] seems perfect, [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Faye[/name]? Oh, I think I like that better still. And absolutely save [name]Elizabeth[/name] for another girl. Never, ever use your longest love in the middle. [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Ann[/name], perhaps? That would be a nice, unobtrusive ‘theme’, [name]Viola[/name] & [name]Magnolia[/name]. [name]Ah[/name], just thinking! But [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Faye[/name] is absolutely divine!

[name]Don[/name]'t have time for a good reply because it’s 2:31 in the morning and I’m exhausted. But I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name]! Wow! So gorgeous! [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Faye[/name] are my favorites. [name]Faye[/name] seems sort of abrupt in appearance, not so much in sound. It’s so sweet and lovely. I think it’s a little too froofy for me. I [name]LOVE[/name] it with [name]Catherine[/name] because it seems much more grounded. And the repeated C is perfect. I would say it was perfect, honestly. But like [name]Lemon[/name] said they’re both from my side. My maternal maternal side, at that! But, [name]Cecilia[/name] was my great grandmother who I never knew but feel like I did and I think she’s amazing, and no one was named after her and if I don’t do it no one ever will be, probably. And [name]Katherine[/name] is my mom obviously, but my mom’s only grandchild is my son. My [name]MIL[/name] has 8, 9 soon. One of them has [name]Elaine[/name] as her middle name. So, I could say that since it’s the first granddaughter of the generation in my family it would be nice for her to have their names since she won’t have the surname of that side. Hmmmmmmmmm. Also, [name]Chris[/name] doesn’t like [name]Katherine[/name]/[name]Catherine[/name]. Oh, and my mom and grandma both like [name]Katherine[/name] better, but in this combo the C just works so much better. It’s a hard sell but I might just have to work on it. Because look!

:arrow: [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Rowe[/name]
:arrow: [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]
:arrow: [name]Radley[/name] [name]William[/name] Warfield

I’ll be back tomorrow. :smiley:

Oh, oh! I love that! [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Rowe[/name] “[name]Dash[/name]”, [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] “[name]Lola[/name],” [name]Radley[/name] [name]William[/name] Warfield “[name]Rad[/name],” and…

Maybe double up on [name]Chris[/name]’ side for Miss [name]Betsey[/name]? [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Elaina[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]. [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Elena[/name] [name]Mary[/name]. [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Elaina[/name] [name]Mary[/name]. [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Mary[/name]. Something like that? Choices #2 and #3 are my favorites.

[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile:

I am loving seeing all these combos! [name]Faye[/name] is such a great name. If it is looking/feeling abrupt to you, I’ll venture out and suggest Russian [name]Faina[/name] (prn [name]Fa[/name]-EE-na, I think I’ve read, but I think with English you could say [name]Fay[/name]-na if you wanted to). It means light/shining, which I think would relate it to the meaning of [name]Elaine[/name] (and that -ain sequence). Some websites give it as a variant of [name]Fawn[/name] - I think the Russian meaning is probably more grounded, but related to fawn is kind of sweet. Anyway I understand if it’s too much “ends in -a” with [name]Viola[/name], or just not your style, but I’ve always though it was pretty and unexpected. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Faina[/name]? Could work. Not sure, I think [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Faye[/name] is probably better, but this could grow on me. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Faina[/name] [name]Cecily[/name]? Hmm. [name]Hope[/name] you either like the suggestion of [name]Faina[/name] or that it at least helps you love [name]Faye[/name] more : D! All best!

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Faye[/name] is perfection! Timeless, vintage and quirky are all rolled into this trio!

So, [name]Chris[/name] isn’t too keen on just honoring my side with [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]. As much as I love it, I do agree with him. It’s better to keep it even. Ugh. But that name is just… Perfect. I haven’t decided how attached I am to an alliteration theme. I do know I like it, especially with the two middles. Makes it more, united, I guess. The main person he cares about honoring is his grandma, [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]. A couple ideas:

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]- but this honors his side twice and mine only once! Hmm, actually my Aunt is [name]Mary[/name] too, and her daughter is named after my mom, so that’s nice. Plus my grandma grows rosemary. Is it too botanical, though? Or too old fashioned?

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Roseanna[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]- doesn’t click for me though

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]- hmmmm, this is kinda nice. It’s more direct to my grandma, and I absolutely love the name [name]Rosalie[/name]. Also I think the saint [name]Rosalie[/name] was the saint of the city [name]Palermo[/name] where my grandma’s family was from. Is it too floofy?

So [name]Rosemary[/name] vs. [name]Rosalie[/name]?

What about switching the names around and having [name]Viola[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name]? I like it alot.

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] is really pretty, isn’t it? It didn’t even occur to me to do that! [name]Chris[/name] really likes it, the only thing is that I don’t much like the name [name]Ruth[/name]. I’m going to think about it, it seems kind of easier to say.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name], [name]Lyndsay[/name]. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] has a very melodic quality to it - [name]Viola[/name] is spunky, [name]Rosalie[/name] is glam, and [name]Ruth[/name] sort of tones the whole thing down a few notches, because it is so, so no-nonsense. So, no, I don’t find it to be too much. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] is fine, but [name]Rosalie[/name] is so much perkier! I don’t know…

[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile:

Ooh, I love [name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]! It’s so much fun to say and it looks beautiful. :slight_smile:

[name]How[/name] would you rate these, 1 out of 10?

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]

I love [name]Cecily[/name] so much, I’m trying to figure out a way to use her in a different combo. [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name], maybe? [name]Kinda[/name] long though, and I don’t know about having [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Catherine[/name] together in one name. [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] ______. Not sure I can really see myself using [name]Cecily[/name], though. But, [name]Viola[/name] and [name]Cecily[/name] together? Uh-mazing!

[name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] is pretty long. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it. It’s pretty, though! (I secretly still adore [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Julia[/name] Jenness, though.) [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Frost[/name] would be nice, I think. Cece? [name]Celie[/name]? [name]Silly[/name] Cece? Ha.

[name]How[/name] exactly are you pronouncing [name]Viola[/name]? I’ve heard VYE-la, vye-OH-la, and vee-OH-la.

[name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]: I like this a lot. I like the almost-alliteration and the soft classic feel of all three names. I’d rate it a solid 9.
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]: I really like this too, but I have an aversion to the name [name]Ruth[/name]. I just think it sounds unattractive. Still, it’s not a bad name and I’d rate it a 7.5.
[name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]: I love [name]Rosemary[/name], but [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] is a bit too R-heavy. It’s a 6.5, I think. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] Somethingelse would be gorgeous, though. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Claire[/name]? [name]Viola[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Alice[/name]?

:expressionless: you guys rated them about how I would. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] is so perfect! It’s proving difficult to find anything else that compares! [name]How[/name] can I bump somethin with [name]Ruth[/name] up to a 10? I’ve thought about using something that means friend, since that’s [name]Ruth[/name]'s meaning. [name]Amity[/name] is the only one I recall liking, but something like [name]Viola[/name] [name]Amity[/name] [name]Ann[/name] is just plain awful. Maybe I have to give up on alliteration?

Oh! [name]Tamsin[/name] would honor my moms entire family, and I think it’s really cool. [name]Viola[/name] [name]Tamsin[/name]… [name]Viola[/name] [name]Tamsin[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]? Of all names, why does [name]Ruth[/name] have to be the one that runs rampant in his family?

[name]Iris[/name], I pronounce it Vye-oh-la, I don’t put a huge emphasis on the OH, but it’s definitely 3 full syllables.