Hello everyone! My husband and I are expecting our second son in August. Our first is named Graham, and we’ve narrowed it down to our top three favorites (that we both can agree on ). I prefer traditional names and slightly prefer Hugh, dh slightly prefers Lachlan. Does Lachlan sound too trendy? I’d love your input!
I voted [name_m]Lachlan[/name_m]. Looking at the graphs between the two I would actually think [name_m]Hugh[/name_m] would be the more “trendy” one. But neither of them are too high on the charts. Is there a middle picked out- sometimes that can help sway the choice?
Thank you everyone! I would like to do [name_m]Richard[/name_m] for a middle name as it’s a family name. Our last name is fairly long and complex, so I’m trying to stick with simple, traditional names to make his life easier.
I feel like [name_m]Hugh[/name_m] is the best stylistic fit for [name_m]Graham[/name_m] but [name_m]Lachlan[/name_m] certainly works and doesn’t feel too trendy to me!