See the results of this poll: Which is your favorite girl name?
Respondents: 82 (This poll is closed)
- Aveline : 28 (34%)
- Mira : 45 (55%)
- Maiwenn / Maiwen / Maewen: 9 (11%)
Respondents: 82 (This poll is closed)
I"m not even sure how to pronounce it so I’m not sure how to spell it… Is it mah-ee-wen or may-win?
[name]MAY[/name]-when, MEER-a, and Av-ah-leen
I love the simplicity and modernity of [name]Mira[/name].
[name]Mira[/name] is such a pretty name! Of the Maiwenn names I prefer the Maewen spelling as I feel the pronunciation is clearer. I’m curious though is Maiwenn Welsh??..I’ve never heard it before but its very pretty.
Totally agree. And I’ve heard of people using it because it makes them think of ‘[name]Miracle[/name]’, which is so sweet and more subtle than actually calling your child [name]Miracle[/name]
[name]Mira[/name] is gorgeous!
I like Maiwen (or better yet, Maywen). I’m a sucker for names ending in -wen. I just love that for some reason.
Have you considered [name]Arwen[/name] or [name]Bronwen[/name]?
I love [name]Aveline[/name]. It’s one of the rarer “line” names that I find appealing. It’s lush and romantic. [name]Mira[/name] is ok but it’s very short. I like the Maewen spelling best.
I voted for [name]Mira[/name].
Maewen is in for a lifetime of spelling and pronunciation issues. Avaline makes me think of javelinas, the ugly pig-like animals that live in the desert. I’m sure it’s a lovely name, but that’s just the first thing that comes to mind.
Prefer Maewen spelling.
I want to like [name]Aveline[/name], but it sounds to me like a mispronounced version of [name]Evelyn[/name]. [name]Mira[/name] sounds like it should be short for something, like [name]Mirabelle[/name] or [name]Miriam[/name].
[name]Love[/name] [name]Mira[/name]!
I voted [name]Mira[/name]. It’s precious, short, and simple. “[name]Aveline[/name]” makes me think of a “javelin,” so it sounds harsh to me; Maewen, while lovely, will rarely be pronounced or spelled correctly.
I’ve never heard of Maewenn, any spelling, so no to that.
I do love Maialen as a variation of [name]Magdalen[/name] though. So pretty, though obscure.
Of your options, I prefer [name]Mira[/name]. Sweet, straightforward, and very feminine. [name]Aveline[/name] is very… birdy.
Thank you all for your insight!
@saristin - Maiwenn is [name]Breton[/name] (Celts in [name]France[/name])…a combo of [name]Mary[/name] and (g)wen/(g)wyn meaning fair/blessed/white/shining/holy
Maewen is a feminization of Maewyn–as in Maewyn Succat, believed to be the birth name of St. [name]Patrick[/name]. The meaning of the “mae” part isn’t clear…could be short for mael which means prince/chieften. From what I gather mae itself translates to “there is” in Welsh. In Old English wen could also translate to “friend”…I think? But Maewyn Succat was probably Welsh, not English, so the fair/blessed meaning is probably more accurate in that case.
@namesy - Exactly, we are of the same mind. I should have included the Maywen option. I [name]LOVE[/name] the -wen ending and have always loved [name]Arwen[/name] and DH even approves, but the majority of people just think it is a made-up Tolkein name and super nerdy from LOTR, even though it is a legit Welsh name as a shortened form of Arwenna (“muse”)…I’ve considered Awena but feel it needs another consonant.
Maywen would be the most intuitive spelling but also the most like just sticking things together/making something up/“Americanizing” a spelling…I am hesitant to do any of those. [name]Bronwen[/name] has a beautiful meaning but our surname also starts with B, plus I just don’t like the sound much. I’ve looked through a lot of “wen” names and am not a fan of most for various reasons…other than Eirwen ([name]Anwen[/name], [name]Arianwen[/name], [name]Ceridwen[/name], Cenawen, [name]Elowen[/name], [name]Mairwen[/name]/Merewen, Morwen, [name]Rhonwen[/name] etc)
We’re not bothered at all by people not being familiar with the name, in fact that is a plus in my mind. I have an unusual name myself and love it.
[name]Mira[/name] is our “safe” option at the moment. I recently came across [name]Aveline[/name] and we are ruminating on it. The possible “little bird” interpretation is a plus in our minds.
I voted for [name]Mira[/name]. [name]Aveline[/name] sounds old and Maiwen is weird…
I keep reading it as [name]Mairwen[/name] instead of Maiwen, and I think I like it better.
Thank you for your opinions. [name]Mairwen[/name] is out, too close to marijuana for my liking