[poll] which name fits better?

sibset= raphael + casimir + ______

  • aquila
  • andreas

0 voters

I prefer the more masculine sounding [name_m]Aquilo[/name_m] for a boy!


[name_u]Aquila[/name_u] has a bright, cool sound and i like it with your set


I agrre that [name_u]Aquila[/name_u] is more femme and I would go with [name_m]Aquilo[/name_m], but that makes me want to suggest apollo, I like [name_m]Andreas[/name_m] but there are greek names I like better like [name_u]Elias[/name_u] and [name_u]Atlas[/name_u].

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[name_m]Andreas[/name_m] literally means manly!

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@Victory55 this got me laughin :joy:

I think [name_m]Andreas[/name_m] fits better. It’s strong and masculine like [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] and [name_m]Casimir[/name_m]. Great sibset!

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I like [name_u]Aquila[/name_u] with [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] and [name_m]Casimir[/name_m] (which is the best sibset I’ve seen all day btw) :slight_smile:

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