See the results of this poll: Which do you prefer?
Respondents: 27 (This poll is closed)
- Poppy Clementine: 10 (37%)
- Poppy Catherine: 4 (15%)
- Poppy Caroline: 13 (48%)
Respondents: 27 (This poll is closed)
[name]Poppy[/name] is very sweet! I think that [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Clementine[/name] and [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] would be the best choices, since they have the most meaning. Out of the two, I think that [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] flows a bit better, for some reason… Also, you’ve already got a spunky, playful first name with [name]Poppy[/name], so a more serious middle name like [name]Catherine[/name] would balance it out. Therefore, my vote goes to [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]!
[name]Catherine[/name] not only flows and sounds best, imo, but it has the added bonus that you’d share your middle name with your daughter! Very special!
Thank you for your opinions cecily and everwaiteing! I agree that [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Clementine[/name] are probably the best options because they have more meaning, but I can’t seem to let go of [name]Caroline[/name] quite yet. Also, everwaiteing, while I agree that sharing a mn with a daughter would be sweet, my fn is [name]Lily[/name]. Would [name]Lily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] be too matchy?
Hmm… Unless you use your middle names often, I don’t think that [name]Lily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] (you have a lovely name, too!) and [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] are too matchy. It’s not like naming sisters [name]Lily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Catherine[/name], anyways!
My first instinct was to vote for [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] because [name]Caroline[/name] is such a great name (my name) but then I looked again and [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Clementine[/name] stood out for me as the two names compliment each other so well.
[name]Poppy[/name] is bright and breezy as is [name]Clementine[/name], it just feels right, but if you decide on [name]Caroline[/name] believe me it is a great name and it will never go out of style.
[name]Hi[/name] Quirk - Regarding your question of whether sharing the mn [name]Catherine[/name] would be too matchy. I am probably not the best judge of that, because I can’t help but see sharing middle names between mother and daughter in a sentimental way. My mother (’[name]Mary[/name] [name]Jane[/name]’) died unexpectedly when I was 7. She had given me the mn [name]Jane[/name]. Under the circumstances, I cherished having part of her name., and planned to pass the mn [name]Jane[/name] on to my daughter someday, which I did. So, rather than seeing our same middle names as matchy, I just see a small, but cherished, link between my mother, my daughter, and me. If I saw my mother everyday or could pick up the phone and call her whenever I wanted, I may not have wanted to create a sense of connection and might have opted not to pass it to my daughter. It might feel more natural and enjoyable for you and your daughter to have totally individual names. It”s hard to say which your daughter would prefer. If the names feel kind of matchy to you, then maybe go with a different mn. Actually, as long as you give her a name that you truly love, it will be a special connection and gift from you to her.
Thank you all so much for your opinions! It’ll be awhile before I have kids (a long while) but I’ve been thinking about this a lot, lately.
[name]Cecily[/name]- Yes, I see what you mean. It’snot like I would be saying them together all the time.
[name]Rollo[/name]- I feel the same way about [name]Clementine[/name]! I think they go together great stylistically! And you have a lovely name. [name]Caroline[/name] is beautiful.
Everwaiteing- I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. It’s wonderful that you have that connection to her with your name, and your daughter’s name. I guess I just feel like since [name]Poppy[/name] and [name]Lily[/name] are both flower names, there’s already a connection, without having the same mn as well.
I see what you mean about the flower name connection in addition to the same mn being too matchy. Good point. The mother-daughter flower theme is a beautiful idea, and I would keep that and go with a different mn… assuming you find one you like as much.
I adore [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Clementine[/name]! It’s unique and spunky with a great sound and vintage vibe.