
Just some ideas I have been throwing around. I will include the rest of my list in a drop down incase it helps with the decision - but will delete my list for privacy when the poll is done. I may have more options to poll in a couple days, still feeling these out.

Edited for privacy

  • Ivy Elena
  • Ivy Madelina
  • Ivy Melina
  • Ivy Olivia
0 voters
  • Hannah Rose
  • Kiana Rose
  • Madelina Rose
  • Melina Rose
0 voters

*Disclaimer: I would most prefer Elena to be pronounced ‘elle-LEN-ah’, which I suppose could be achievable considering it is just a middle name. But, ultimately doesn’t matter the pronounciation. And for Kiana would expect i pronounced as ‘key-anne-uh’, I dislike ‘key-on-ah’. *
Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

[name_f]Melina[/name_f] [name_u]Rose[/name_u] is beautiful!

[name_u]Ivy[/name_u] [name_f]Elena[/name_f] is lovely, but [name_u]Ivy[/name_u] [name_f]Madelina[/name_f] is also stunning

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