Popularity flukes.

I was born in 1987 and there were two girls named [name]Athena[/name] in my high school class. [name]Athena[/name] was down in the 800’s the year I was born so I was curious what other flukes you berries have run into. :slight_smile:

I know more than one girl named [name]Fatima[/name], it’s not that unheard of where I live but I still think it’s a little strange!

edit: It’s at 281 now but the ones I know were born in the 70s and early 80s when it ranked in the 700s and 800s.

I went to school with at least 7 other [name]Alexander[/name]/[name]Alexandra[/name]/[name]Aleksandra[/name]'s. While it was a at 96 in the US only two of the [name]Alex[/name]'s were American, two were [name]German[/name], one was Serbian, one South African and one Greek. (I went to a multi-cultural school). I would’t usually find it odd except that each of the other 7 went to school at home with another 3 or four. It’s was like a global epidemic of the [name]Alex[/name]'s.

Three years ago I was working in a baby and kids’ clothing store- asking the name of a new baby was a standard line of conversation when ringing up purchases. Two babies with their moms in the shop, perhaps four months apart in age. Asked about baby number one’s name- [name]Juniper[/name]. Mom #1 started telling me how it was a bit quirky, but…and the look on mom #2’s face was just PRICELESS. Her baby was also called [name]Juniper[/name]. These girls, if their families don’t move, will be in the same school together, in the same grade. It was flat-out hilarious, watching these two mums realise that the quirky unusual yet not unheard of name which they had chosen so that their daughters wouldn’t be [name]Jen[/name] B. or [name]Katie[/name] R…were going to grow up together.

In my small town, there are 4 girls born within a year of each other named [name]Rowan[/name], also three girls named [name]Ivy[/name] and two girls named [name]Dorothy[/name].

At my old school, there was one girl named [name]Eileen[/name], another named [name]Aileen[/name], and another named [name]Aylin[/name]. This was in a school with 300 kids! [name]Aileen[/name] is in the 400s, and [name]Eileen[/name] is in the 700s. Have never even heard of someone else with any of those names yet.

I know two Fatimas as well, though one now goes by her middle name.

I’m a Brownie leader and visited another pack’s camp in the summer, and out of ten girls that were there two were named [name]Taylor[/name], which was the first time I’d actually met a female [name]Taylor[/name]. Actually, within my pack, there’s three Rachels and three Charlottes, which makes things just a little bit confusing.

I went to school with two girls named [name]Mara[/name].
I taught a class with 3 girls named [name]Lydia[/name] and another with two girls named [name]Amaya[/name].

I used to work in a daycare and there were 3 [name]Arianna[/name]/Arianas in a class of 18 two-year-olds! That’s 1/6th of the class!

I’ve never met a [name]Madison[/name] [name]IRL[/name]. I’ve worked and volunteered in schools and day cares but never had a [name]Maddie[/name]/[name]Madison[/name]

I once managed a team of three people, all named [name]Nadia[/name]. The name was above 300 in popularity around the time they were born

In middle school, there were 3 Kylies in my grade. Two had red hair, and all 3 were in the same English/Social Studies class!

I was looking at some pics my [name]SIL[/name] posted on FB of my nieces and their friends at a pumpkin patch. There was a [name]Finn[/name] and a [name]Finnian[/name] out of 6 boys which I thought was unusual (not sure who was who, but they were all under 8) and stranger yet, girls named [name]Iris[/name], [name]Isis[/name] and [name]Avis[/name] in the bunch! And from the looks of it, [name]Isis[/name] and [name]Iris[/name] were sisters of the [name]Finnian[/name]/[name]Finn[/name] boys. Nothing else like that, [name]Jessica[/name], [name]Christian[/name], [name]Noah[/name], [name]Zoe[/name] etc.

My nephew has dated 2 [name]Cara[/name]'s and a [name]Kara[/name]. I’ve also been a student teacher for 3 [name]Taylor[/name]'s, 4 [name]Maddison[/name]'s and 4 [name]Alyssa[/name]'s.

These are great. I especially love the [name]Juniper[/name] story. Maybe they will be friends?

since naming my daughter [name]Paloma[/name] I have met 3 [name]Paloma[/name]'s with in 6 months of her age.

I have never actually met an [name]Aiden[/name]… perhaps it is due to going to an all girls school or to a ‘hippy school’ for primary school where kids were called [name]Roman[/name] and [name]Eugene[/name] and [name]Fox[/name], but it seems so strange to me that it is such a popular name yet haven’t met any at all.

[name]Love[/name] this thread.

My brother was in a class with only 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls. The girls names were: [name]Emma[/name] G, [name]Emma[/name] C and [name]Emma[/name] J and the boys were [name]Cameron[/name] M and [name]Cameron[/name] F. The other boy was [name]Nathan[/name].

Haha, great thread idea, the [name]Juniper[/name] story also made me laugh.

When I enrolled my son in school he had 6 other kids in his class. They allow children to join at any point in the year though so since [name]August[/name], 3 more children have joined and obviously I wasn’t aware of any of their names at first. His teacher’s name is Miss [name]Lyla[/name] who he absolutely adores, and he comes home talking about her all the time. [name]One[/name] day when I picked him up he started complaining to me about how [name]Lyla[/name] was mean and wouldn’t share, etc. and I was So confused until the next day when I realized one of the girls who had just started class that week was named [name]Lila[/name] (said the same way as the teacher, Lie-la).
I know that name is trending up at the moment so it is actually way more unusual that his 30-something teacher has the name [name]Lyla[/name] than it is that a 3 year old is named [name]Lila[/name] but at least it was good to know his teacher wasn’t taking his toys! Haha. =]

Hahah, amydomsmom, that was so funny. Great story.