I love the name [name]Rosemary[/name], and generally don’t mind the negative connotations associated with it, but can you thing of any associations other than [name]Rosemary[/name]'s [name]Baby[/name] (movie), or [name]Rosemary[/name] and [name]Thyme[/name] (murder show)
TV shows?
I associate it more with the herb and the myths surrounding it than I do that movie. Supposedly it’s a symbol of the Greek goddess [name]Aphrodite[/name], so it’s been associated with being an emblem for love. Also according to some legends, the Virgin [name]Mary[/name] is said to have spread her blue cloak over a white-blossomed rosemary bush when she was resting, and the flowers turned blue; the shrub then became known as the ‘[name]Rose[/name] of [name]Mary[/name]’, hence the name.
Yes. I think the play is “[name]Hamlet[/name],” though I’m not 100% sure, but I’ve seen the phrase referenced in other books, and it goes something like this: “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; I pray thee, love, remember.”
That quote, and (obviously) a rosemary tree, play a part in [name]Elizabeth[/name] Goudge’s novel, “The [name]Rosemary[/name] Tree.” It’s a lovely story about forgiveness and new beginnings.
When I see the name, I also think of [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]West[/name], a sweet, ladylike music teacher in L.M. [name]Montgomery[/name]'s “[name]Anne[/name]” novel, “[name]Rainbow[/name] [name]Valley[/name].” Her character is important to that book, and she makes a small appearance in at least one other of the series.
For the record, I have no negative associations with the name. I think it’s sweet, old-timey and beautiful.
Best wishes!
I’ve always thought it was beautiful- it’s one of my absolute favorite names. The only associations I really have with it would be the herb, and just generally being a sweet girl’s name.
I always think of “Scarborough Fair” by [name]Simon[/name] and Garfunkle, 1966. “[name]Rosemary[/name]” appears all throughout the song in the phrase “parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.”
I can’t think of any cultural or pop-cultural references off the top of my head (other than those mentioned), but one of my best friends is named [name]Rosemary[/name]. She is smart, fun, and beautiful, so she obviously influences my perception of the name immensely. I think her name is beautiful, and she wears it very well. I have never heard anyone make any “[name]Rosemary[/name]'s baby” references to her and only very, very rarely has anyone mentioned the herb.
The name has become “her”, so all those other references are just an after thought. Another plus is that she is the only [name]Rosemary[/name] that I know. She has never met anyone else with her name.
I think it’s a great name and is definitely very useable!
The first and only thing I can think of is the girl in the Giver. If you haven’t read the book, she never makes an appearance, but she was a very important, almost iconic character that ultimately helps define the main lesson and theme.
Ditto. I know there are a lot of negative references, but it’s a real name that people actually have, so I don’t think those overshadow the loveliness of the name.
I don’t really have any connotations for [name]Rosemary[/name] apart from the herb. I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Rosemary[/name], though! I’ve never seen [name]Rosemary[/name]'s [name]Baby[/name], nor [name]Rosemary[/name] and [name]Thyme[/name]. I started liking it for the nickname option of [name]Molly[/name], and for the old-timey feel. I think it’s great! I don’t strongly associate it with anything, though.
OOH I did read The Giver in grade 6, though… I remember the story, but none of the character names, so heytherepigeon jogged my memory. It’s a good book!