Potential brother names for Poppy and Persy?

Hello everyone. My husband and I were discussing names last night for any potential children that we might have in the future. We already have two girls, [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] ([name_f]Poppy[/name_f]) [name_f]May[/name_f] who is 4 and Persille (Persy) [name_f]Louise[/name_f] who is 1. My husband really wants a boy and I want more children as I grew up in a rather large family, but the problem is, we don’t have very similar styles of names. My husband doesn’t really care for full names at all as he only calls our girls by their nicknames where I like long names that can be shortened to cute nicknames.

The only names we both likes are [name_m]Felix[/name_m] and [name_m]Gabriel[/name_m], although I don’t like the popularity they have been receiving recently. Any suggestions at all will be very useful! Thank you!

Ideas that match [name_m]Felix[/name_m] and [name_m]Gabriel[/name_m] (and [name_f]Poppy[/name_f] and Persy)

[name_m]Atticus[/name_m] “[name_u]Kit[/name_u]”
[name_m]Axel[/name_m] “[name_m]Ax[/name_m]”
[name_m]Edmund[/name_m] “[name_m]Ned[/name_m]” “[name_m]Ed[/name_m]”
[name_m]Alexander[/name_m]- so many nickname possibilities
[name_m]Louis[/name_m] “[name_u]Lou[/name_u]”
[name_m]Caleb[/name_m] “[name_m]Cale[/name_m]”
[name_m]Callen[/name_m] “[name_u]Cal[/name_u]”
[name_m]Calvin[/name_m] “[name_u]Cal[/name_u]” “[name_u]Vinnie[/name_u]”
[name_m]Vincent[/name_m] “[name_u]Vinnie[/name_u]”
[name_m]Matthias[/name_m] “[name_m]Matt[/name_m]”
[name_m]Lucas[/name_m] “[name_m]Luke[/name_m]”
[name_m]Samson[/name_m] “[name_u]Sam[/name_u]”
[name_m]Martin[/name_m] “[name_u]Marty[/name_u]”
[name_m]Fisher[/name_m] “[name_m]Fish[/name_m]”
[name_m]Maxwell[/name_m] “[name_u]Max[/name_u]”

I hope some of these give you ideas! I tried to put possible nicknames on the list as well.

In case you want to continue the P trend for your boys:
[name_u]Paxton[/name_u] “[name_u]Pax[/name_u]”
[name_m]Patrick[/name_m] “[name_f]Patty[/name_f]”
[name_u]Payton[/name_u] “Pay”
Phinnian “Phinn”
[name_m]Phinnaeus[/name_m] “Phinn”