I’m crushing on [name]Aria[/name] [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Rose[/name] today. WDYT? I know most people think [name]Rose[/name] is a filler, but it’s one of my favourite names.
I like it! [name]Aria[/name] sounds cute with [name]Lucy[/name] but just to let you know a lot of people might associate it with Pretty [name]Little[/name] Liars, since a character on that show is named [name]Aria[/name] and the actress who plays her is named [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Hale[/name]. It does not bother me as I am not a fan of that show but it was the first thing my mind went too… Nevertheless I like it a lot
I think it’s beautiful. Some people might consider the lettering off, but the syllables are 3-2-1, so it works. [name]Rose[/name] is really pretty, and since there are two middle names, it doesn’t seem so filler-ish. So pretty!
That’s lovely. I know a girl called [name]Aria[/name] and it’s such a strikingly beautiful name. As a [name]Lucy[/name], I can say that it’s a great name and I love having it. Also, [name]Rose[/name] doesn’t seem like a filler to me here. It matches the style of the other two names. Together they all three look very elegant and I am picturing such a name on a creative and imaginative little girl. I like it a lot.
Thanks, guys. Dillonsfan01 - I did realise about the [name]Aria[/name]/[name]Lucy[/name] thing, but I chose to ignore it haha. I just really like both names and I don’t think it’s so bad. Heimarmene - I didn’t notice the number of letters thing. Cool. [name]Lu[/name] - I love [name]Lucy[/name]! I’m still tempted to use it up front.
[name]Love[/name] the name [name]Aria[/name]! thumbs up