I don’t think we’ll get too much 80’s revival, but I think the 50’s are probably going to come back soon but maybe not this year. I definitely don’t think we’ve run out of old fashioned great grandparent names yet. It would be interesting to see if in the future instead of just doing great grandparent names it spreads out more as parents search to be unique and revive the lesser known of grandparent, parent and peer generation names.
Names I think have a chance to make it to the US charts:
Margo/Margot/Margeaux, I think Margot would be the most popular. I think there may be a growing popularity of ending o sound for girls. Like with Willow.
Philippa Now that Americans have heard this name I think this name has a chance to be appealing because it is a classic that is basically unheard of in the US and has a cute nickname Pippa.
Zelda? A fictional book about Zelda Fitzgerald came out. I think this name might be just the right style like Zoe, exotic old ladies name.
Esme, popular in the UK, I think this has some of the same charm as Chloe and Zoe, will it rise fast?
Other names:Annora, Adela, Estelle/Estella, Marian/Marion, Maisie, Susannah, Viggo, Mabel.
Risers: Dorothy, Juniper, Eloise, Alice (I agree), Lucy, Amelia (will it be the next Emma/Emily?) Violet, Asher, Atticus, Theodore, Elliot, Jasper, Vera
I wonder which names have reached their peak and are now going to start falling? If not in the top 10 it’s harder to predict.