Pregnancy after 35

Hi Berries!

I’ve been wondering a lot lately about pregnancy after 35, particularly how it went for you with doctor’s appointments, etc. I understanding TTC, birth defects, etc., are one thing but that is kind of a separate discussion (though please share if you have experience here!).

I’m 32 now and in a fantastic relationship. We’ve discussed marriage and we’re on the same page, though I do not expect to be engaged in the next 6 months yet. So realistically I’m looking at 33 for engagement, 34 for marriage. We are both excited to become parents, though, so I don’t expect my SO to want to wait indefinitely. We have both finished our educations, traveled, and gotten to a good place in our careers, so there aren’t any obvious roadblocks.

I’m worried about doctors over-medicalizing my potential future pregnancy. [name_f]Do[/name_f] they automatically classify it as ‘high risk,’ even if you are otherwise in excellent health? I eat well, exercise, and take good care of myself. It goes without saying that I want to have a healthy pregnancy and baby and would follow necessary advice. What I worry about is being expected to come in every week for tests or bloodwork or being pressured into a c-section or being given constant monitoring just because of my age, if all other indications are good.

If it makes any difference, I live in a metropolitan area of a southern state of the US.

Thanks for sharing your experiences!


I don’t have a lot of advice to give yet but I will be 35 in [name_f]February[/name_f] and we’re planning on TTC again sometime soon.
I think whether you’re automatically classified as Advanced Maternal Age and high risk or not will likely depend on your OB/GYN. Mine has said that 35 or older when baby is due = advanced maternal age.
[name_f]My[/name_f] first pregnancy was twins so I was automatically classified as high risk then too even though I had a healthy pregnancy.
I’m not sure if the tests required for after 35 are quite as many and often as with twins but I didn’t really mind checking up on the babies every chance I could. It put my mind at ease really.
I would have a talk with your doctor. Women are getting pregnant after 35 more and more now so I don’t think it’s something that would be viewed as unusual for sure.

I’m 38 and currently pregnant with baby #3. [name_f]My[/name_f] other two were born when I was 30 and 32. I haven’t noticed any difference in the care I’m receiving now versus when I had my other two. There was one blood test they did to test for things such as Down’s Syndrome since you’re at a higher risk for those after 35 but other than that, everything else has been the same. I’ve actually had fewer appointments this time around because of corona virus, so obviously my OBGYN isn’t too concerned. At my first appointment for this pregnancy, I did ask if there was anything I needed to be concerned about since I was of “advanced maternal age” but my doctor said that I was fine and that they start to worry more if you’re 40 or above.

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AMA =/= high risk.

High risk = high risk.

  • This includes stuff like health problems that make pregnancy/labor/recovery more dangerous to you. Being overweight, high blood pressure, missing, damaged, or transplanted organs. Things of this nature.

It’s certainly possible to be healthier at 35 than at 32, and this can translate to an easier and healthier pregnancy.

US pregnancy health stats in the US are abysmal. Should, for some reason, you receive the label of AMA or High Risk, it would almost certainly improves the attention and care that ou’ll receive, which, given everything in the US surrounding matern medicine, is probably a godsend in disguise.

In the meantime, just focus on a balanced, healthy life. Strong core and strong pelvic floor!!

I had my youngest at 44. Trouble free pregnancy and delivery. The best thing you can do is to be in optimal health. right weight, healthy diet, and plenty of exercise will do wonders for you and baby. Of course, you will have to follow medical advice as I don’t know your personal circumstances.


One told me that she saw her medical chart at her obgyn, and it said “geriatric pregnancy”. She was 37.

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Sounds awful. :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:

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I think it’s really dependent on the individual. I think the ovarian reserve may start to decline closer to 40. But a few of my friends have had healthy pregnancies in their 40s. For me personally my cut off point is 36. I am 33 next year and it’s just simply from the stand point of endurance. Having a baby and the first 5 years of his/her life is like running a mental/physical gauntlett. I am not sure I want to do that in my early 40s. I want to be winding down then with my partner and enjoying my children’s teenage years. Having said that, it’s very rewarding and unconditional love. I don’t think there is a wrong or right answer I think it depends on your stamina,patience, environment, financial status and capacity to love and cherish. If you can tick all of them boxes at whatever age then that should be encouraging. Good luck :full_moon_with_face:
I have two children already u should say, with the aim of having a third next year

Hi- I just had my third and I’m >35. Not sure if it’s because i had 2 previous healthy pregnancies or if they’ve loosened criteria but I had an uneventful pregnancy with little to no difference in prenatal care and a very healthy baby boy. Actually had much less monitoring (but that’s due to covid).
The only difference that I can tell from the other 2 is that I was offered a genetic screening blood test (which I declined).
[name_f]My[/name_f] office did not classify me as “advanced maternal age” or “geriatric pregnancy”. From what I can tell- they seemed to change that to >40.
Good luck