Pregnancy reveal ideas for my husband

Hello XD
I just found out i’m around 3 months pregnant, it’s quite unexpected but not an unwelcome surprise at all, question is how the hell do i tell my fiance, i can’t help but feel nervous- i’m going to be a mummy AAHHHHHHHHHHHH! So has anyone got any ideas for a fun way to reveal that your pregnant to your husband, thank you already <3

-It’s my first pregnancy aswell XD

-I just realised i wrote Husband, but he’s actually my fiance, excuse my exited state


For our twins, I surprised my husband my leaving an ultrasound, positive pregnancy test, and two cute onesies on the bed for him when he woke up. I also put a laurel branch around it since the only time we could have gotten pregnant was under a laurel tree.


[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! Congratulations!!! This is so exciting.

I am not a parent, but I love the idea of gifting your fiancé something to let them know they are a parent! I see someone has said the pregnancy test and onesies are so sweet. A card letting them know is sweet as well - there are so many ways though, I am just very simple! Pinterest could be a good resource. :slight_smile:


That’s so sweet XD ahhh the tree idea is so cute, that’s a proper conderation there, thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve raked through pinterest and i’m honestly stuck between so many ideas i’m going nuts :laughing: Onesies are a cute idea!

For my first I used a letter board and wrote ‘the butterflies you gave me have turned into two little feet’ and decorated the board with some baby socks and butterflies (as well as the positive pregnancy test)


[name_u]Baby[/name_u] #2 here and I’m planning to put a onesie saying big sister on my dd in time for my husband coming home from work when it’s officially confirmed😊

First time round I shook him awake at 2am to peer at the pregnancy test and see if he could see a faint positive line or if I was just imagining things :joy: he then cried himself back to sleep in shock :rofl:

So all in all I’m no help to you at all but do let us know what you’d decide.


That’s so cute i thought about that one actually XD

Congrats and goodluck XD i’ll keep it in mind for the 2nd kid :smiley:

At night, when he’s asleep, set up a box of balloons that will topple over when he opens the door. Tape ultrasound pics to the floor! Also, congrats!

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Well he knows he’s gonna be a father now and is ecstatic XD

I ended up getting a cup with “This guy is gonna he a daddy” at the bottom of it and when he finished his morning coffee, boy oh boy did he have a suprise, after that i showed him all 6 pregancy tests and he quite literally ran to make an appointment, he’s so exited and i couldn’t be any happier :smiley: