Premature birth help and worries etc

I started to have some contractions and I went into hospital, I was 31 weeks 3 days at the time and quite frankly it terrified me. My son [name_m]Jasper[/name_m] actually needed to be induced so this isn’t something I have ever dealt with. Right now I’m pregnant with twin girls and there due date is the 9th of [name_f]October[/name_f], but of course I was prepared for the fact that they might come a few weeks earlier. But not quite this early.

The doctor and midwife when I was in the hospital did a fetal fibre(?) swab of some kind that came back positive and they did a scan that said that whilst my cervix was thinning it didn’t seem like it was happening fast. They gave me something to help stop labour and some other jabs that I think I help the girls’ lungs grow or mature and kept me in for a few days and once they were happy told me to go home and be on bed rest. I was 32 weeks exactly when I was sent home for bed rest. Thankfully, I live only a few minutes from a hospital with a good neonatal wing and maternity wing.

I just felt that nothing was really explained to me and all I could hear at the time was “preterm labour”, “not matured lungs”, “hospital stay for the twins” and all the other scary terms.

They did say that I am likely to go into labour in the next week or two and they will try all they can to get me to 34 weeks at the least. I’m worried about the girls and if they will be strong enough then, because I know twins are on the small side anyway.

They also asked about how I would feel about a C-section vs natural birth because I was planning on doing a natural vaginal birth before all of this. What would be the pros and cons?

I have got a midwife visiting me tomorrow and I’m going to ask all these questions and voice my worries but I was wondering if anybody had any other ideas of questions I should ask, perhaps you went through something similar or know somebody who has and have some more experience than me. I don’t have any close female family that are alive or well enough to know what’s going on (my gran has dementia and my other gran died when I was a kid, my mum died a few years ago, I have no sisters and I only have one aunt who I’m not close to and none of my female friends have experienced this sort of thing) so I thought I might turn here in hopes of someone having some ideas.

My midwife is due to come everyday, I believe, so I can ask lots of questions and my lovely husband and son are waiting on me hand and foot, bless them.

Any help is really appreciated and please excuse the frazzled writing and ramblings, just very worried.


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this stress. I hope everything goes okay for you.

I don’t have personal experience in this sort of thing either, but hopefully I can reassure you a bit… I know of many twins who have come at 35 and 36 weeks with absolutely no worries. I know you’re a bit earlier than that, but it sounds like you’re already in the best of care. If the doctor and midwife were happy enough to send you home, it’s probably going to be okay - otherwise they would have recommended you stay at hospital. You might be in hospital a little longer after delivery than if they reach full term, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing - it means both you and the girls will get extra care.

As for a C-section - you do whatever you need to to get them out safely, and keep yourself safe in the process. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t let anything sway you. If you want to try naturally first and the doctor and midwife think it’s safe, that’s fine, but please keep an open mind from the outset. A C-section is not a bad thing, and if you need one, you need one. You’ll be all the stronger for being brave enough to make that decision.

Sending love to you - take it easy and try to stay as calm as you can. All the best! <3

I’m sorry you have to go through this. I don’t have any real personal experience, although our son [name_m]Gabriel[/name_m] was born 4 weeks early, but he was strong and healthy. I know that this is all very distressing for you, but try and keep a clear head at your appointments. Is your husband going with you? If not, is there anyone else that you can take with you? Someone who’ll support you, but also someone who can keep a clear head and think of any questions that you might have. You’ll be a bit overwhelmed, and that’s completely normal, but it’s very handy to have someone with you who can help you remember things and keep an overview.
During birth I suppose this will have to be your husband. Ask your midwife what your options are and discuss it with you husband. Usually a vaginal birth is relatively safe, also with twins, but your doctor and midwife are the ones who can inform you about the health of your twins and the options you have. If you have all the information, you and your husband can decide what you want.

Good luck with everything!

Thank you both for your lovely words, I really do appreciate it.

After talking to my midwife at length and discussing it with my husband, I have decided that the pros of having a C-section outweigh the pros of a vaginal birth in this case. I’ve been booked in for one in the next few weeks, if I can get that far, and I’m certain that it’s the right thing to for the twins and for myself.

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] Grasshopper. My brothers were born 21 years ago at 34 weeks, my mum had to be hospitalised at about 30/31 weeks I believe after having contractions and they managed to hold off their birth effectively. They were born vaginally with the smaller twin being breech (feet first). 21 years later they are doing fantastically and are at university busy catch pokemon (and studying hard they assure me!). There have been so many medical advances since then and you can be confident that the doctors will do everything in their power to keep you and your babies safe and help them to thrive. Thinking of you and your family. Try to keep as calm and positive as possible.x