Probably crazy, but

Probably crazy, but… can we talk about Hippolyta?

I’ve had a crush on this name forever and a day! It’s so strong and beautiful to me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also, just occurred to me that it would be an epic feminine honour name for [name_m]Philip[/name_m].

Anyone else have a massive thing for names like this? The ones that make other people wrinkle their nose, but you just find them so magical and stunning… :heart_eyes:

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I normally love unusual ancient Greek and [name_m]Roman[/name_m] names, but I just can’t behind this one. Kids can be cruel, and I can imagine a girl named Hippolyta getting teased because of the “hippo” part. It might be fine as a middle name, but I would really hesitate to recommend it as a first name.

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I prefer Hipolyta and Ippolit to avoid the Hippo but I do love Hippolyta. It has lovely sounds.

I’m a major fan of [name_f]Hedwig[/name_f] and [name_f]Edwidge[/name_f]… I wish people liked them.

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Hippolyta has an appealing sound but the hippo part puts me off. I love the possibility of nn [name_f]Pippa[/name_f] though

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I love Hippolyta, I think its beautiful. however, I also don’t like that it starts with “hippo.” I like the suggestion of Hipolyta! that may help get rid of the hippo association.


Eh that “Hippo” in there… it’s a no for me…

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I didn’t know there was a spelling variation with only a single P, and it’s definitely a great option. :blush: It would be a middle name if anything.

Also, how weird is it that “hippo” is seen as negative or derogatory even though it literal means “horse” - one of the earth’s most majestic and beautiful creatures. Language is funny. :thinking::blush:

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Oh wow, I haven’t seen that before. Very swish! :blush:

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