Pronounce Genevieve?!

If you saw the name, [name]Genevieve[/name] how would you pronounce it?? I live in the U.S. btw.

[name]Do[/name] you think people would pronounce it differently? Or spell it differently?

[name]Jeh[/name]-neh-veev is how I would pronounce it.

^^same as pp.

I agree with the pps. If I saw it with the accent, I would say it the proper French way, zhahn-vee-ev, but as it is, I would assume most people wanted the more English [name]JEN[/name]-uh-veev (which I adore, btw).

what @ashthedreamer said, I would assume any [name]Genevieve[/name] here was “[name]Jen[/name] uh veev” edit: unless I saw accent marks.

I agree with the others. [name]Jen[/name]-uh-veev.

I pronounce it as “[name]Jenna[/name]-veev”

Same as the others, [name]Jenna[/name]-veev basically.

[name]Jenna[/name]-veev. Though I could see, zhenna-veev, making the J softer.

I think I would make the G sound soft, but I’m not sure what I would do if I was reading it or something. If your name is [name]Genevieve[/name], I think you have to be ready to get both. It’s a great name.

I would pronounce it the English way, living in the states, but the French way is gorgeous as well. [name]Genevieve[/name] is one of my very favorite names!

I pronounced it jen-uh-veev, but because I live in a french community some people pronounce it closer to [name]Jahn[/name]-vee-ev. So I would just pronounce it how ever people want it pronounced. I have the name on my list, and if we end up using it then we will ask people to pronounce it [name]Jen[/name]-uh-veev.

I say Zhan-vee-ehv which I think is beautiful. I am from [name]Louisiana[/name], though, and of course we have a strong French influence here even today.

Thanks everyone!