Pronounce this name please

[name]How[/name] do you pronounce the name [name]Aislyn[/name]? Is it a hard “A” or an “ah” sound?

If it’s a spelling variation of [name]Aislinn[/name], I’d say [name]Ash[/name]-lyn, with the “ah” sound…

It’s pronounced [name]ASH[/name] lin

I knew a girl with this name growing up and she pronounced it ace-lyn.

I also knew a girl with this name, but she pronounced it AZE-lynn.

“ah” sound. I would think that depending on where you are from the “a-i” would be a hard A sound though.

If I saw this somewhere, I’d pronounce it “AIZ-lyn”

I also know a girl with this name who pronounces it AIS-[name]Lynn[/name] (or AIZ- [name]Lynn[/name])


I believe the correct pronunciation is [name]ASH[/name]-lynn (as previously posted).

I really like it pronounced “Azlyn” but I don’t like the spelling. I love the spelling of [name]Aislyn[/name] but would a lot of people mispronounce it?

Sorry, I wrote Azlyn but that still can be prounounced two different ways, I’m looking for [name]Ah[/name]-zlyn (soft A)