See the results of this poll: How is Tosia(female) pronounced?
Respondents: 8 (This poll is closed)
- To-see-uh: 2 (25%)
- To-shuh: 6 (75%)
Respondents: 8 (This poll is closed)
I would say TOE-see-uh! But I could be wrong. I often am.
I could see it either as TOE-see-ah ^^ or as TOE-zah (rhyming with the word jaw). But I’ve never hear this name before, so I don’t know for sure!
I don’t really know, but I picked the 2nd one. Like [name]Tasha[/name]?
I would probably say this name Toe-zhah, Toe-see-ah, Toss-ya, I have never heard of this name. I would probably say it 5 different ways before one of them was correct.
I voted for To-shuh, because [name]Cassia[/name] is pronounced [name]Cash[/name]-shuh.
Good luck!
I also voted for To-shuh.