See the results of this poll: How do you pronounce Thea?
Respondents: 52 (This poll is closed)
- THAY-Uh : 6 (12%)
- TAY-Uh : 5 (10%)
- THEE-Uh: 41 (79%)
Respondents: 52 (This poll is closed)
I’ve only ever heard, and I say ‘Thee - Uh’ (I’m English, living in [name_f]England[/name_f])
I usually say “thee-uh”, but I am partial to the “tay-uh” pronunciation as well. Most Americans, I think, would not recognize the latter. I have never heard “thay-uh” before, but the sound does not appeal to me at all.
I am Scottish, live in [name_f]England[/name_f] and say Thee-ah, like [name_u]Theo[/name_u] with an ‘ah.’ Whenever I have heard the name it’s been said like that.
I live in the United States, and I usually hear Thee-ah, although [name_u]Tay[/name_u]-uh is not unheard of. Thee-ah is definitely the most common way to say it. I’ve never heard “[name_m]Thay[/name_m]-uh” before.
For the [name_u]Tay[/name_u]-uh pronunciation, I’ve seen it spelled Téa as well.
I live in the United States…I’ve only heard Thee-ah. Beautiful name
I have a friend with this name, she pronounces it Thee-ah