Pronunciation of Anouk and Elodie?

[name]Hi[/name], these are two of my favorite names.
I always presumed [name]Anouk[/name] was pronounced [name]Ah[/name]-Nuke, not [name]Ah[/name]-Nook (nook- as in a quiet nook of a house). However, my French friend’s mother (who also has Dutch family) said it was possibly pronounced different in [name]Holland[/name] than in [name]France[/name]. The French saying [name]Ah[/name]-Nuke while the Dutch using the other variation.
Also, the name [name]Elodie[/name] I was naturally saying [name]EL[/name]-OH-[name]DEE[/name] until I was told in [name]France[/name] they would say [name]AH[/name]-LO-[name]DEE[/name].
So my question is, is anyone familiar with how these are pronounced and/or is there just one correct pronunciation? I want to be faithful to their European/original pronunciations. Thanks.

[name]Anouk[/name] can be either pronunciation I believe depending where you are.

I would say neither [name]Elodie[/name] is correct. I would say Ay-loh-dee. Ay like the letter “A” if said alone.

[name]Anouk[/name] is pronounced “ah-nuke” and the French name [name]Elodie[/name] usually has an accent over the capital “E” so it’s pronounced “ay-loh-dee” .

I’m not sure about [name]Anouk[/name], but [name]Elodie[/name] would be something like ‘ay-loh-dee’ in French, but with the first syllable sounding more like ‘eh’ than ‘ay’. I know a four-year-old [name]Elodie[/name] who pronounces it to rhyme with melody, which I think is a lot more accessible in an English-speaking environment.

Hmmm I’ve never heard of an [name]Anouk[/name] prn A-Nuke. Having said that, I havent met many. As far as I know the OU sound in French is always a short, strong OO and not a EWE…If that makes sense. So A-Nook sits better in my mind than A-Nuke…
The accent on the E in [name]Elodie[/name] if you were going to use it, only marks a subtle difference. It’s difficult to put in writing but I think it’s more of a slightly longer E and less of an “ay”. The “ay” comes more from an EI than an E with a grave accent. Could be wrong though! I don’t think it really matters :slight_smile: They’re both lovely names.

I know one [name]Anouk[/name] and she pronounces it [name]Ah[/name]-nook. She is an American and named for the actress. =)

Thanks for letting me know. Interesting!