Pronunciation of Heath?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] Berries,

I’m interested in how you pronounce [name_m]Heath[/name_m]? Is it H-eth, like rhymes with Seth or He-ath, like ryhmes with sheath?



[name_m]Heath[/name_m] is “Heeth” to me, like wheat, sheath, and beat.

I pronounce it “heeth”. [name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_m]Heath[/name_m].

Wheat and beat rhyme with heat not [name_m]Heath[/name_m]…at least how it is pronounced in the US. Sheath and [name_m]Heath[/name_m] rhyme.

[name_m]Heath[/name_m] also rhymes with teeth.

There is only one pronounciation - HEETH.

The vowels rhyme, not the consonants.

I think it is helpful to hear rhyming words.

I thought of a couple others, wreath and [name_m]Keith[/name_m].

It’s pronounced like HEETH. Like Sheath.

Heeth rhyming with teeth

I’ve only ever heard it as ‘Heeth’, with a long ‘ee’ sound.

[name_m]Heath[/name_m] like sheath or teeth