Pronunciation of Mirella?

Hello berries,

This is my very first post! I’m interested in how you would pronounce the name [name]Mirella[/name]? I’m aware that it has Hebrew, Latin, Italian and Eastern European roots. My instinct is to pronounce the ‘Mir’ in English as you would ‘[name]Miriam[/name]’, and ‘Mirror’ - ie a short ‘mi’ sound. I would pronounce ‘ella’ as you would ‘ella’, not as ‘aya’.

To give some background, I fell in love with the name [name]Marilla[/name] through my childhood love of [name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables. However, I don’t plan to use it (we won’t be TTC for a couple of years yet anyway!) because of it’s similarities to Gorilla and concerns about teasing. I feel that [name]Mirella[/name] could be a great alternative and love the nickname ‘[name]Miri[/name]’. But then again, I don’t want to use it if it creates a myriad of pronunciation issues and confusion!

Many thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I think you are correct and that the name is prn “ella” not “aya”


is how I say it the meer part is in “Mirror”

I would pronounce it like you are. I don’t think you will have many issues :slight_smile:


I really love [name]Anne[/name] of [name]Green[/name] Gables too, and especially the character of [name]Marilla[/name]! I think [name]Mirella[/name] is lovely! I tend to say the first syllable in a way that rhymes more with sir or fur, rather than rhyming with deer, but either way sounds good to me, and yes the second syllable I would pronounce ella.

Mee-rella, is how I would pronounce it.

I know of a Polish women named [name]Marilla[/name], which is pretty.