See the results of this poll: How would YOU pronounce Elena?

Respondents: 43 (This poll is closed)

  • Eh-LANE-a: 25 (58%)
  • Eh-LEN-a: 7 (16%)
  • ELL-en-a: 9 (21%)
  • Other: 2 (5%)

I thought it was EE-[name]LANE[/name]-a Have I been saying it wrong?? :confused:

Well I have an Aunt [name]Lena[/name] (lee-nuh) so I’d pronounce it eh-[name]LEE[/name]-nuh

The Spanish pronunciation is Eh-lay-nah. Personally [name]Elaina[/name] just looks misspelled to me.

There’s a character on the Vampire Diaries named [name]Elena[/name], pronounced Eh-lay-nah, so maybe people will become more familiar with the name.

I’ve always pronounced it as [name]ELL[/name]-en-a, like “[name]Ellen[/name]” with an “a.”

These are a bunch of people from all over the world saying [name]Elena[/name] and they all appear to be saying it the same way… (not my way!! hehe)

I voted for [name]ELL[/name]-en-a, but only because I have a friend from [name]Italy[/name] who pronounces it that way, so it’d be my first instinct. However, I think you’re much more likely to have it be pronounced eh-[name]LANE[/name]-a in the US, because that’s how everyone pronounces her name at first.

I would NOT spell it [name]Elaina[/name]. I’d much rather have a name that gets occasional mispronunciations than a totally misspelled one.

This is the same place we were in a year ago when [name]Elaina[/name]/[name]Elena[/name] was my top choice. The correct pronounciation of [name]Elena[/name] is Eh-len-uh it is not Eh-layn-uh. I have never heard anyone prn it the correct way in person but the results of the previous polls I made it was about 50/50. I personally wouldn’t want my daughters name miss pronounced 50% of the time. That is why I prefer [name]Elaina[/name]. [name]Elaina[/name] doesnt look miss spelt, it is far more correct than prn. [name]Elena[/name] the wrong way.

Also, where do you live? Where I am at [name]Elena[/name] would be prn. Eh-layn-uh 99% of the time do to the large Hispanic population. Im thinking that in other areas of the US that more people would use the Eh-len-uh prn. That is just a guess though.

If I were you I would spell is [name]Elaina[/name].

There is also [name]Elina[/name], prn Eh-leen-uh. [name]Do[/name] you like that?

I prn. it [name]ELL[/name]-en-ah, but thats just cause I prefer that prn. most people would probably say [name]El[/name]-lay-nah. Though I would say if you’re really worried about prn. spell [name]Elaina[/name], which is the french version of the name.

[name]Elaina[/name] isn’t actually the French version-- French names don’t usually end in A, like [name]Sylvia[/name]–>[name]Sylvie[/name] or [name]Maria[/name] –>[name]Marie[/name]. [name]Elaine[/name] or [name]Helene[/name] would be the French versions of [name]Elena[/name]. There isn’t really a way to spell [name]Elena[/name] to make the pronunciation more obvious without making up a spelling.

Wow! [name]How[/name] confusing! :frowning: It seems like there are SO many opinions on how to pronounce [name]Elena[/name], and so many differing ways that everyone says is the “correct” way. I was so hoping that most people would pronounce it the way we do!(eh-[name]LAY[/name]-na) :wink: Really not sure what to do since we [name]LOVE[/name] the name so much!!! [name]Don[/name]'t want to be pronouncing the name wrong. We live on the [name]East[/name] cost, so I really don’t know how the majority would pronounce our daughter’s name. Hmmm… Guess we’ll have to do some more thinking on that one…