I came across the name [name]Lyra[/name]
the meaning behind it was intriguing … come to find out there are two ways to pronounce it
Lie-rah ( as i had first thought it was pronounced )
and Leer-ah ( like the constellation containing the brightest star in the night sky [name]Vega[/name])
which pronunciation do you prefer?
~[name]Chantel[/name] [name]Marie[/name]
I love the name because of the books, but until the movie came out I thought it was pronounced [name]Lee[/name]-rah, like the star. I still prefer it that way. The “Lie” syllable in the Lie-rah pronunciation is just off-putting to me, why would you want to name your child something that sounds like “liar”?
Since the first time I heard of it was in The [name]Golden[/name] Compass I pronounce it lie-rah. If someone said lee-rah I don’t know if I’d get that they meant [name]Lyra[/name].
[QUOTE=greyer;1559620]I love the name because of the books, but until the movie came out I thought it was pronounced [name]Lee[/name]-rah, like the star. I still prefer it that way. The “Lie” syllable in the Lie-rah pronunciation is just off-putting to me, why would you want to name your child something that sounds like “liar”?[/
i agree about how you originally thought it was pronounced, but I love Lie-ra much more.
Like someone else already mentioned, I’m inclined to pronounce it [name]Lee[/name]-rah due to the similarity to the word [name]Lyric[/name]. However, I’m pretty sure that both [name]Lyra[/name] and [name]Lyric[/name] come from the word [name]Lyre[/name], which I pronouce Lie-ur, so I dunno what’s up with that
I say Lie-rah, first time I heard it was in the [name_u]Golden[/name_u] Compass as well. I think it sounds better, and I like another name ([name_f]Nyla[/name_f]) that I pronounce Nie-lah, which has almost the same spelling.
Poor ‘Northern Lights’, lol. [name_m]Philip[/name_m] Pullman must still be bitter over that one.
I first read [name_f]Lyra[/name_f] in the book and thought it was ‘leer-a’, with the ‘[name_m]Ly[/name_m]’ being like the [name_m]French[/name_m] [name_m]Lyon[/name_m] ‘leeyon’ but - as other people have said - it’s actually like the constellation ‘lie-ra’.