Pros and Cons of the names Zelda

[name_f]My[/name_f] partner and I like the name [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] but we want to know the pros and cons from people who don’t know us.

Pros: unique but recognizable, easy to spell and pronounce, Z sound is cool and exciting

Cons: strongly associated with the video game and might get a lot of “like the game?” comments (this could be a pro instead if you’re a video game fan! I personally just prefer names that don’t have one strong association, whether good, bad, or neutral)

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[name_m]Sharp[/name_m], cool and distinct
[name_f]Vintage[/name_f] and established but not popular
[name_m]Zel[/name_m], [name_f]Zee[/name_f], [name_m]Zed[/name_m] and Zellie are cute nn


People will probably mention the game

Pros: [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] is such a cool name. I’ve actually discussed it with my partner and it was one if the only ones he showed some sort of interest in! He’s not into gaming or anything, he just liked the sound of it. So yeah, it’s a strong and unique name (in terms of baby naming popularity) that manages to maintain a sort of classy feel.

Cons: It’s not really a con to me, but if using a name with a strong assiciation is a deal breaker, then it’s ties to the game could be considered one. Saying that, I stand very strongly behind the view that a person really takes ownership of their own name, whatever previous associations it may have; there might be a question or two occasionally, but I wouldn’t let that take away from the appeal of a name.

I also wanted to say that [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] [name_m]Fitzgerald[/name_m] came to mind before the game, and I think that’s such a cool association to have! It’s such a lively and underrated name that I really want to see more of. :blush:

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I actually dont think of the game, vut of one of the aunts of [name_f]Sabrina[/name_f] the Teenage Witch.

I like Zelda!! It’s vintage and fun.


[name_f]Zelda[/name_f] is a little on the strong side for me. It’s cool, sassy, and unique, but it gives me comic book/video game/burlesque vibes to the point where I wouldn’t consider it personally. Of course, associations like that might not be a bad thing to you!

This this this! I’d never have thought of the game personally, and I don’t think anyone would ever mention the game upon meeting a Zelda (unless they themselves were an extreme fan). Zelda is such a fantastic literary name in the Fitzgerald regard! Adore it!!

Pros: unique but not unheard of, spunky and spicy, starts with a cool letter, lots of sweet nicknames (like Zellie, Zel, Ellie, Ella, Zee, etc)
Cons: you won’t find it on a key chain… but that’s not a big deal. :wink:

[name_f]Zelda[/name_f] is really cool. Like the previous poster I think of [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] [name_m]Fitzgerald[/name_m], not the game. As a result I get roaring twenties vibes and immediately envision the literary titans of the day associating with each other in [name_u]Paris[/name_u], the [name_u]French[/name_u] [name_u]Riviera[/name_u] etc.

But unfortunately, many people with straight away think of (and mention) the game. Although I suppose this doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative, especially if you like it yourself!

A similar name I love that avoids any associations is [name_f]Zella[/name_f]. It’s such a spunky, unexpected name & so, so similar to [name_f]Zelda[/name_f]!

The only “con” I can think about is the videogame. However, I think it’s quite a nice association. It’s a great saga, and the character is pretty cool.

Furthermore, [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] is such a cool name: strong, sassy and mystical.

I didn’t even think of the game. [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] is such a strong and fun name to have :hearts:

I did think of the game (I only know the name of it, nothing about the character of Zelda) and of [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] [name_m]Fitzgerald[/name_m] (who I do have a vague sense of personality-wise) right away.

I don’t know if you’d consider this a pro or a con (to me it’s a con but your mileage may vary and you may not even agree): the name [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] makes me picture one type of person. She’s an outspoken spitfire. I can’t picture a shy or introverted [name_f]Zelda[/name_f]. It’s an attention-grabbing name to me. That in itself isn’t a bad thing at all, it just doesn’t feel like a versatile name, and that’s what I would consider a con here.

[name_f]Zelda[/name_f] is fab!

Pros: strong, impactful, jazzy, visually pretty with the cool ‘z’ start, short and easy to spell, recognisable, literacy associations (plus for me) and beautiful.

Cons: video game & maybe the literacy associations with [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] [name_m]Fitzgerald[/name_m] could be off putting for some people


  • sort of cool
  • not too common
  • video game character who seems to be cool


  • [name_f]Pet[/name_f] Sematary (sic) associations
  • bit old lady-ish

really cool
familiar but not overly popular
loads of cute nn possibilities

people will probably ask if she was named after the video game
seems a bit old lady ish when you take away the game connection, not overly but enough for an annoying person to mention it

I like [name_f]Zelda[/name_f] fine and have never met one.

Pros: It is zesty. It is not used a lot (I think) yet it is familiar. It sounds strong.

Cons: It sounds a little like a fortuneteller at a fair.