Prounication for Lucia?

I am finding there are different pronunciations of this name: Loo-sha, Loo-she. Has anyone heard it pronounced Loo-see-uh?

I have heard Loo-see-uh and Loo-chee-uh.

[name]Lucia[/name] can be pronounced a number of ways depending on the culture.

loo-SEE-uh = Spanish
loo-CHEE-uh = Italian
loo-sha = like the island

This is a frequently asked question on here, so if you search for it, you’ll probably find lots of additional thoughts. My experience in reading (and posting on) those threads are that it can be pronounced many ways – LOO-sha (that’s where my mind goes instinctively because I have some association with St. [name]Lucia[/name], the island), Loo-CHEE-uh (I think of this as the Italian way, but I’m not Italian, so that could be wrong) or Loo-SEE-uh. And maybe some other ways I can’t remember. If I met a little [name]Lucia[/name], I would venture a guess, wait to be corrected (and not be annoyed or offended the slightest bit), and then pronounce it the way I was told. People will definitely pronounce it other ways than you want, but it’s such a gorgeous name any way it’s pronounced that I wouldn’t let that bother me.

I have only heard it pronounced Loo-see-uh

I love the pronuciation Loo-sha. That is how I would pronounce it for my own daughter.

As [name]Mischa[/name] said, Loo-CHEE-a is Italian and LOO-sha is the island. Spanish actually has two legitimate pronunciations: loo-THEE-a in Spain and Loo-SEE-a in Latin [name]America[/name].

I most often hear Loo-SEE-a and Loo-CHEE-a.

I personally say it as Loo-see-uh. I knew a [name]Lucia[/name] who said it this way as well, but she went by [name]Lucy[/name] for the most part.

I say Loo-sha, but I’ve heard it as Loo-see-uh and Loo-chee-uh.

  • [name]Athena[/name]

The only one I have known said it Loo-see-uh and that way is my favorite, I think Loo-sha and Loo-chee-uh are just as legitimate though.

I would prn it Loo-sha or Loo-see-uh.

The ones I’ve known in the States have been Latina and are all loo-see-uhs.

The ones I’ve met in Australia have been of Italian descent and are often loo-chee-uhs.

I happen to like loo-see-uh more, partly because that’s what I grew up near and partly because it just sounds softer. But neither is wrong or one truly better than the other.

However… [name]Lucinda[/name] stays the same. :wink:

I have met a [name]Lucia[/name] in real life! Hers is pronounced loo-sha, which to me is the most natural way to pronounce it.

I’ve heard it pronounced Loo-see-uh, Loo-chee-uh, and Loo-shuh. I usually pronunce it Loo-chee-uh.

Yeah, I pronounce it the Italian way.