I’ve been crushing on the name [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] recently but I know a lot of people find it too old fashioned to work today. It’s even on “These 1920’s names that are (thankfully) extinct” blog post. The first time I heard this name was on a TV character who is a young, beautiful witch with double swords and a shaved head so I have different connotations with the name. What are your thoughts on the name [name_f]Prudence[/name_f]? Would it work well if she went by [name_f]Pru[/name_f] most of the time? Have you ever met a [name_f]Prudence[/name_f], if so how old were they?
Prudence from the [name_f]Sabrina[/name_f] reboot is my first association too, to be honest, and I think that is making this a lot more wearable.
In general though, virtue names like [name_f]Constance[/name_f] seem to be making a bit of a come back, and while they’ll probably never be in the top 100 or anything, I don’t think they are so weird that they are unusable. I like the sound of [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] a lot, as well as the nickname [name_f]Pru[/name_f].
I’ve really come around to [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] lately! And the nickname [name_f]Pru[/name_f]/Prue is absolutely adorable! I don’t know any in real life.
Prudence has been a guilty pleasure of mine for years! I would be tickled if my husband would like it too. It was in a book I read as a kid. Then there is the judge on Great British Baking Show, she wears it well!
I had a tutor at uni called [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] nn [name_f]Prue[/name_f] and it suited her so well. I can see it working
Love it!!! I know one little girl named [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] “[name_f]Pru[/name_f]”. She’s under 10. Beautiful name.
A mother I babysit for wanted to name her second daughter [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] about 6 years ago. I thought it was really cool. She never ended up using it though
I’ve known three girls called [name_f]Prudence[/name_f], all went by [name_f]Prue[/name_f].
Interestingly, all were small in stature and big in personality! So that is what I associate with the name, a happy, popular girl who is confident and great fun socially.
All would be adults (30s) now.
I’ve never met a [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] but, I can’t help but, think of the Beatles song “Dear [name_f]Prudence[/name_f]” when I hear the name. If you’re on the fence maybe listening to the song will help you decide.
I’ve never met a [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] before, but I would love to! I’ve also had a crush on it for a while, but I know a lot of people don’t like it. Still, I think it’s a gorgeous name and [name_f]Pru[/name_f] fits in with current trends, such as [name_u]Rue[/name_u] or [name_u]Ruby[/name_u].
I’m sorry but [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] makes me think of prunes.
I really like virtue names, and [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] is a cute one, especially the nn [name_f]Prue[/name_f] which does of course sound like [name_u]Rue[/name_u].
I haven’t quite warmed up to [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] yet, but I’m sure if I met one I would be fine with it!
I’ve loved [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] ever since I read The Witch of Blackbird Pond in middle school! [name_f]Constance[/name_f] and [name_u]Cadence[/name_u] are others with similar sounds.
Same here, it’s been a favorite of mine ever since!
Because of that and Charmed, I always thought it was a witchy name. Sweet but kind of punky. I love the name [name_f]Pru[/name_f]/Prue too. Oh and I forgot Prue Leith from The British Baking Show - she’s fab.
It would have been much higher up on my list if it didn’t clash with my last name and if our cat’s name wasn’t [name_f]Florence[/name_f]!
Thank you all for your kind words about [name_f]Prudence[/name_f]. It is nice to hear some good for once. This definitely gives me hope
That’s the book I got [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] from, I couldn’t remember the name lol
Prudence is a darling name and I love the nickname [name_f]Prue[/name_f] its adorable. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] is not really my style, it’s still a lovely name.
I love [name_f]Prudence[/name_f] and virtue names in general!