Question about Jameson

I’m due with baby boy #2 in [name_f]October[/name_f]. I really love the name [name_u]Jameson[/name_u], but am I wrong in thinking it is pronounced “jaymz-sin” rather than “jay-mih-sin”? I really love the first pronunciation which is more logical to me because it’s ‘[name_u]James[/name_u]-son.’

What do you say? Is [name_u]Jameson[/name_u] usable if I don’t want it to be said ‘jay-mih-sin’? Should I spell it differently like Jaimsen? Jaymsen?

DS1 is [name_m]Jackson[/name_m] [name_m]Wyatt[/name_m], this one will hopefully be [name_u]Jameson[/name_u] [name_u]Rhys[/name_u]

It’s pronounced [name_m]Jame[/name_m]-son, and that’s all you’ll have to tell them :slight_smile: I love the name and spelling, no reason to change it.

I’ve never heard either pronunciation, only Jaym-son and Jayms-on, so basically [name_m]Jason[/name_m] but with an m between the a and s. But that sounds closer to the way you want it pronounced! Though I’d prefer it as jay-mee-son in your case, just so it wouldn’t sound so similar to your other kid’s name. [name_m]Just[/name_m] a personal opinion.

I pronounce it with three syllables, like [name_u]Jay[/name_u]-meh-son, but I agree with a previous poster that if you introduced your kid with the pronunciation you prefer, people would quickly learn—just be prepared that people pronouncing the name for the first time may not say it like you want. It’s a wonderful name!

I’ve only ever heard this name as three syllables–including the name of the famous whiskey company. If you are vehemently against the three syllable version, I think you, and then he, will need to be correcting people on pronunciation his whole life.