Questions about Quentin

1.) Which spelling do you like: [name]Quinten[/name], [name]Quentin[/name], [name]Quinton[/name]? When I go to write/type it I automatically spell it [name]Quinten[/name], I don’t know why.
2.) Does [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Johnson[/name] sound bad due to the similar sounding endings?
3.) [name]Do[/name] you think [name]Kit[/name] could be a useable nickname?
4.) If Quentin won’t work with Johnson, what about Quintus? Is Quintus even useable?

  1. I’m more familiar with the quinton spelling but I think I prefer it spelled [name]Quentin[/name].
  2. [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Johnson[/name] doesn’t have the greatest flow, but it’s not terrible
  3. I definitely think [name]Kit[/name] could be. Nn for [name]Quentin[/name]

I’ve only seen the spelling [name]Quentin[/name].
Maybe the word quint is inspiring the [name]Quinten[/name] spelling.

I think it could work with [name]Johnson[/name].

[name]Kit[/name] would work, though I prefer [name]Quin[/name]

I prefer the spelling [name]Quentin[/name] because I like to emphasize more of a “kwen” than “kwin” sound, if that makes sense. [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Johnson[/name] doesn’t have the best flow, but it’s a handsome name. I definitely like [name]Kit[/name] as a nickname for [name]Quentin[/name], and I would love to meet a boy of any age called [name]Kit[/name].

I think [name]Quentin[/name] is excellent. I favor [name]Quentin[/name] over your other variations. What letter is better than Q?! Think of all the fun you’ll have painting Qs all over his nursery! :-b [name]Kit[/name]'s cool, but how about [name]Tin[/name] (as in Tintin!) If I had a son named [name]Quentin[/name], I might nickname him just Q.

I’ve always preferred [name]Quentin[/name]

Sounds fine with [name]Johnson[/name]

Not crazy about [name]Kit[/name] because it’s so tied to [name]Christopher[/name]. I like [name]Quin[/name]/Quen

I think [name]Quinten[/name] is better and I think the nn [name]Kit[/name] is wayyy to feminine

[name]Love[/name] [name]Quentin[/name]! Sounds good with [name]Johnson[/name] [name]Kit[/name] ok, prefer [name]Quent[/name].

I think this is a great name! I’d go with the [name]Quentin[/name] spelling.
I think [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Johnson[/name] sounds okay, but I don’t really see [name]Kit[/name] as a good nn.
Sorry, I don’t like [name]Quintus[/name] at all.

First of all, [name]Quentin[/name] is a great name-one of my favorites.

  1. I prefer the traditional spelling of [name]Quentin[/name]
  2. [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Johnson[/name] sounds fine too me.
  3. [name]Kit[/name] is okay but is rather far removed from the original name. I’d go with [name]Quint[/name] if a nn is necessary.
  4. [name]Quintus[/name] is alright but I think you’d probably spend a lot of time explaining the proper pronunciation and saying “It’s [name]Quintus[/name] not [name]Quentin[/name].”

I pronounce them differently. [name]Quentin[/name], I pronounce “Kwent-tin”, [name]Quinton[/name] and [name]Quinten[/name] I pronounce Kwint-tin, rhymes with [name]Clinton[/name].

Depending on which pronunciation you want I would choose the spelling based on that. I prefer [name]Quentin[/name] personally. I think that [name]Kit[/name] works fine as a nn.

Another vote for [name]Quentin[/name] - seems more common (think [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Tarantino[/name], [name]Quentin[/name] [name]Blake[/name] etc.). Lots of nickname potential including [name]Quinn[/name], Quenny, [name]Quent[/name], [name]Kit[/name] - perhaps see what evolves naturally? Great name, by the way, love [name]Quentin[/name]!

Yeah. I agree with this.