Quirky Zenobia and the Flowers

I [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] reading your posts!! The imagery is just always so beautiful!!!

[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] is so lovely and will go amazingly with your [name_f]Aphrodite[/name_f]!

Here are a few I have read that I just truly loved!!
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Isis[/name_f] Hespera
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Honey[/name_f] Hespera
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Hespera Loveday
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Hespera [name_f]Psyche[/name_f]
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Iris[/name_f] Terpsichore
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Eimyrja Blodeuwedd
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Hespera Blodeuwedd

Ahhhh I’m always so excited when I see a new thread from you!
Loveee [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f], so spritely and springy! She seems like a very happy girlie!
I love Blodeuwedd actually, after saying it a few times i can definatly see how it fits with your description of [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f]!
Also love, Cissea, Eimyrja (saw this on your previous post and googled it but could not find anything! But i love it!!), Melanthe, [name_f]Titania[/name_f].

[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Blodeuwedd Cissea
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Melanthe [name_f]Titania[/name_f]
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Undomiel Eimyrja
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Elwing Nymeria
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Gossamer Melanthe
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Eilonwy Blodeuwedd


Kashed; great, a fellow [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] lover! I love [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] Elentari & [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] [name_u]Artemis[/name_u] very much. The [name_f]Honey[/name_f] Goddesses/Mythological creatures are: Mellonia ([name_m]Roman[/name_m]), Melissae (honey bee nymphs), Meliae (nymohs of ash trees and honey bees), Iamos (who was fed honey by snakes) and Cyrene, a huntress nymph who by [name_m]Apollo[/name_m] had a son who invented beekeeping. I’m quite obsessed with bees and I worked as a beekeeper for a little bit ;). Thanks for all your opinions!

Sorceress; [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Honey[/name_f] [name_f]Cressida[/name_f] is absolutely lovely! Thank you :slight_smile:

[name_u]Lexie[/name_u]; yeah, Blueberry was a stupid idea. It literally dropped in my head because I read [name_u]Neil[/name_u] Gaiman’s Blueberry Girl for Roo every night before she goes to sleep, and it’s about/for his goddaughter who is daughter of [name_f]Tori[/name_f] [name_m]Amos[/name_m], my favourite musician and healer. But Blueberry is a silly name. And then we (Husband and I) watched [name_u]Charlie[/name_u] and the Chocolate Factory tonight, and now I only think of missy [name_f]Violet[/name_f] B. when I see Blueberry. You’re right about the flow too, I’ll say it again - I’m terrible with flow!

Vix; the spelling thing isn’t an issue in [name_f]England[/name_f], we’re all used to weirdo Welsh, Cornish, Manx, [name_m]Breton[/name_m], Irish and Scottish names. Yeah, the problem with crazy word names is that Husband thinks they’re stupid. I got [name_f]Honey[/name_f] past him because of all the things I mentioned, but I think I’d have a hard time with [name_f]Bluebell[/name_f].

[name_f]Gwen[/name_f]; yay, great! I love them together as well. Thanks for the comments, and I like [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] Loveday, [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] [name_f]Isis[/name_f] and [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] Ishtar so much. I hear you on the [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] Terpsichore/Terpsichore [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] thing, the only thing is [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] runs into surname… And you like [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Blodeuwedd [name_f]Ophelia[/name_f], even thought you dislike B! yay yay!

Oosoposh; Thank you, that’s so sweet! And thanks for picking out your favourites.

[name_f]Niamh[/name_f]; Thanks, sweets! [name_f]Glad[/name_f] you like little missy and Blodeuwedd too. Eimyrja was a beautiful maiden in Norse mythology; “the fairest in all the land”. [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Undomiel Eimyrja! Swoon alert! [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Gossamer Melanthe, [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Eilonwy Blodeuwedd and [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Blodeuwedd Cissea are all beautiful! Thanks so much :slight_smile:

I’ll make a neat, trimmed list tomorrow.

Oh, you skipped right up to my favorite!! I have to admit to feeling really out of my element with your names! They’re all so beautiful but so ethereal and magical I always feel like I will drop and shatter them!

If you’re attached to Blodeuwedd, then it’s probably best to keep it there in the middles! It’s all kinds of difficult to guess the pronunciation but it won’t cause much problem there in the second-name place where you have it. I really, really like [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Melanthe Blodeuwedd from your list. Have you considered throwing one of your Norwegian names in there? Off the top of my head, replacing [name_f]Daphne[/name_f] with [name_u]Dagny[/name_u] would accomplish that and tweak the name just enough to be really quite striking - [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_u]Dagny[/name_u] Blodeuwedd!

Saracita’s [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_u]Dagny[/name_u] Blodeuwedd is to die for.
[name_f]Isis[/name_f] is great with [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f].
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Isis[/name_f] [name_f]Yvaine[/name_f] would so space-age silvery.
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Roxana[/name_f] [name_f]Isis[/name_f]
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Isis[/name_f] Ruxandra (I love this Romanian variation on [name_f]Roxy[/name_f]. It’s got a [name_m]Count[/name_m] Dracula kind of drama.)
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Evanthe[/name_f] Blodeuwedd
or [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Blodeuwedd [name_f]Evanthe[/name_f]
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Eimyrja Heleyne
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Polyhymnia [name_u]Pax[/name_u]
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Calanthe[/name_f] Heleyne (or any “anthe” or “ne” name followed by Heleyne)
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Thelxinoë [name_m]Moss[/name_m]
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Euphrosyne Lykke (prn “yoo-FRAH-zuh-nee [name_f]LU[/name_f]-keh,” right?)
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Lenka [name_f]Yvaine[/name_f] (Lenka being a fabulous Czech form of [name_f]Helena[/name_f]. Makes me think of Weetzie [name_m]Bat[/name_m]'s “lankas”)
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Lenka [name_f]Louise[/name_f] (z-sounds at both ends!)
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Lenka Vivendel
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Titania[/name_f] Vivendel (Did Sessh suggest this one? I like it.)
Or [name_f]Mab[/name_f] could work well here, if you want to bring her back.
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Mab[/name_f] Vivendel
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Vashti[/name_f] Eimyrja
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Vashti[/name_f] Etheldred (I love Eth, though she’s brutally clunky)

A bee-related middle would be perfect with buzzy [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f]. I’m very impressed that you know how to keep bees. Such magical critters.
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Delphi[/name_f] Mellifera (“meh-LIF-er-ah” as in Apis Mellifera, the honeybee, [name_f]Delphi[/name_f] as in the “Delphic [name_f]Bee[/name_f].”)
Or [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Mellifera [name_f]Delphine[/name_f] (Though anything “delph” is probably a no-go because of your dolphin-hatred… You brute.)
[name_f]Melisande[/name_f] isn’t far from Ms Honeybee [name_f]Melissa[/name_f].
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Dianthe[/name_f] [name_f]Melisande[/name_f] would give you both the flower and the bee. Or
[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Melissa[/name_f] Blodeuwedd

Ottsietottsie I owe you a pm. Sorry! Emailing with me is like the Pony Express, but I had to weigh in on Z.

I am a huge fan of [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] AND Blodeuwedd!

Have you thought about it as a first middle?

[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Blodeuwedd Elentari

[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Blodeuwedd [name_f]Yvaine[/name_f]

Other suggestions:

[name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Daphne[/name_f] Verdandi (I know you like this one and to me it totally goes with [name_u]Zen[/name_u])

Can’t wait to see new, trimmed list! [name_f]Ottilie[/name_f], hurry up! :):smiley:

[name_f]Sarah[/name_f]; I’m afraid of doing that myself ;). I quite like [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_u]Dagny[/name_u] Blodeuwedd, the only thing is that [name_u]Dagny[/name_u], while absolutely beautiful in English, has got a rather unattractive middle aged sound in Norwegian. And I think I had a really mean nursery teacher by this name. But I like the idea of something Nordic in there.

Emms; I love almost every single one of your suggestions. [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Isis[/name_f] Rixandra Iyes, this does sound Draculaish!), [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Euphrosyne Lykke, [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Lenka [name_f]Yvaine[/name_f]/[name_f]Louise[/name_f], [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Vashti[/name_f] Eimyrja, [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Eimyrja Heleyne… and [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Thelxinoë [name_m]Moss[/name_m] is intriguing! [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] [name_f]Melissa[/name_f] Blodeuwedd is stunning! They all are, it was difficult to pick my favourites. Thanks so much my sweet!!!

Moonie; Three excellent suggestions! I love all of them. [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] Blodeuwedd Elentari might have stolen my heart though… so shiny!

Sorcie; I’m afraid you’ll have to wait… :wink:

I was going to trim the list, but as things are right now I don’t feel the magic in any of the names at all. I wish I could just call my daughter [name_f]Emma[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] [name_f]Louise[/name_f] and be done. I can’t see myself with a [name_f]Cleo[/name_f], an [name_f]Isolde[/name_f] or a [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f], I don’t think this baby’s a [name_f]Morgana[/name_f], I have doubts about Gwenllian and Nimue is stupid. I’m having the name blues so to speak… so I’m going to let it rest and see what happens. Thanks so much though everyone!

Maybe you should just resign yourself to waiting for her to be born.
You had great nn’s for Roo before she came along. You knew what her nn was before you really were sure who she was.
Why not accept that it’s hard to figure out the baby’s spirit when it’s so intertwined with yours and Roo’s right now (with the BF and all).
Let [name_m]Little[/name_m] [name_f]Bunny[/name_f] be just that, and wait to meet her! You have an amazing long list of names you love don’t force it. Plus, girly you’ve got soooooo much going on right now: you have a baby to spoil, a move to anticipate, a tuscan wedding to plan, a person to grow, a brand new husband to love, cats to love + aren’t you working on a children’s line and books? Please don’t feel bad that with all that going on you feel a little uninspired at the moment - I feel like that’s more than normal.

And BT-Dubs… who decided it was important to have names picked out before you went into labor? Why can’t you just wait till you’re at home? Actually I might use this same tactic in the future for me as well - the whole, needing a name before going to the hospital is just stupid. Who knows maybe [name_f]Aphrodite[/name_f]'s sister is really [name_f]Jane[/name_f] and you’d never know because you just haven’t meet her yet. <wink>.
Though, of course, I’m always happy to comment, combine and play. But we can also just name your imaginary 8 other kids you are, so clearly going to have, and give [name_f]Honey[/name_f]-[name_f]Bunny[/name_f] some time to let you know what she want’s her name to be.

Yeah, what [name_u]Lexie[/name_u] said. [name_u]March[/name_u] is a long way off; you’ve got time. And [name_f]Dita[/name_f]'s name wasn’t on your list; she kind of named herself. Maybe this one will do the same.

Whoa, [name_u]Lex[/name_u], you make it sound like I’m really busy! I’m not doing all that, you know, I’m planning to do some clothe-stuff but it’s in the planning stages and the book I’m illustrating is nowhere near the point where I can start my drawings. I do have cats to cuddle, that’s true ;). I’ve basically decided to not think names for a while and see how I feel in a few weeks. I’m not sure I can wait to decide until she’s here… I’m much more in tune with this pregnancy than I was with Roo so I think it’s easier in some ways, but right now all the names we can agree on looks dull and lifeless… Oh my goodness, I hope she isn’t a [name_f]Jane[/name_f]… if she’s an [name_f]Emma[/name_f] that’s fine, I love [name_f]Emma[/name_f]. Thanks girls, you are the best :wink:

[name_m]Don[/name_m]'t despair! You have great naming style and I love many names you suggest! You naming style inspired mine!

Hahaha… i didn’t literally mean [name_f]Jane[/name_f] of course - I was just looking for a name that was really far away from anything you’ve been throwing around. It seemed to fit the bill. hihihi. [name_f]Glad[/name_f] to hear you feel more intune with this pregnancy than Roo’s though - I’m sure you’ll figure out the right path for you. hugs and kisses.

thanks again, you too. Sorci; glad you like my names. [name_u]Lex[/name_u], I understand, it’s just that [name_f]Jane[/name_f] is like my least favourite name ever. I don’t know why, I just detest the name. And I wish I didn’t! It would be such an excellent little middle ([name_f]Jane[/name_f] from [name_m]Tarzan[/name_m] is amazing, and [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_u]Austen[/name_u]!). Ugh. Anyway, like I said, I’m not thinking names. I’m thinking of other people’s names, but not my own. And when I reopen the namebooks I expect faerie and gold dust to fly out like enchanting sparkles to guide my way!!!

A couple ideas for the middles - I consider myself pretty bad at making name combos, so I’m not going to attempt that.
Sorry for any repeats.

It’s a beautiful name from Greek mythology. A myth says that these flowers originated from the tears of [name_f]Aphrodite[/name_f], which is really cute in my opinion. You can find the rest of the story herel.

Unfortunately this looks like a kr8tiv spelling of [name_f]Ella[/name_f].
In reality, she was one of Hippolyta’s amazons.
When [name_m]Heracles[/name_m] tried to steal Hippolyta’s girdle, she immediately went on to defend Hippolyta. She died during the fight.

This is the Italian form of [name_f]Isolde[/name_f] and one of my long time favourites. You obviously know the rest of the story.

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] [name_f]Ottilie[/name_f]

[name_m]Just[/name_m] wanted to say that [name_f]Zenobia[/name_f] is such a gorgeous name. I know you will come up with equally beautiful middles. Congratulations on a baby girl and I hope this pregnancy is going smoothly for you.