
[name]Rhys[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] McNabb


I think it’s a winner :slight_smile:

When all I saw was the title my immediate thought was
[name]Rueben[/name] [name]Asher[/name] [name]Montgomery[/name] :slight_smile:

If [name]Rhys[/name] doesn’t pan out, there will always be [name]Reuben[/name] [name]Asher[/name]! :wink:

If [name]Rhys[/name] doesn’t pan out, there will always be [name]Reuben[/name] [name]Asher[/name]! ;)[/quote]

Yup…Us [name]Erica[/name]/[name]Erika[/name]'s rock :slight_smile:

I love it!!! :slight_smile: It sounds so handsome to me, and I love the flow.

Take care!

Thank you all so much for your reassurance! I am confident this name is it for us. [name]Just[/name] need to work on my husband a bit more. He initially didn’t like the name (“I knew a lot of Reeces’ growing up…”), but he is slowly coming around.

Seeing the original Welsh spelling in print, and finding out that a lot of Aussie rugby players (i.e. “manly men”) share the same name has helped to convince him.

Hooray! Maybe the big name debate is finally coming to an end.