Rafa longer version?

I love short charming names that have a longer, poetic, regal version- for instance I love Theodore/Theo and Amandine/Ami for a girl. I adore the nickname Rafa, but I wish there was a longer version of it (besides the obvious Rafael/Rafaelle which I don’t like) that worked. Do you think Rafiki might work? Is there another long, poetic, regal, unique name that could possibly be shortened to Rafa? It doesn’t need to have all the letters of “Rafa” or even begin with an R.
(I posted this already several months ago but it got no responses so I’m posting again)

  • Rafiki
  • Serafino
  • Seraphim
  • Seraphiel
  • Serafim
  • Raffaello
  • Rufus
  • Zarathustra
  • Radclyffe
  • Ranulf
  • Rufinus
0 voters

I think [name_m]Rafiki[/name_m] does work! Although it’s very [name_m]Lion[/name_m] [name_m]King[/name_m], and I don’t think it matches the vibe of [name_m]Theodore[/name_m] and [name_f]Amandine[/name_f]. It’s more playful and summery to me than poetic or regal! Maybe [name_m]Raffaello[/name_m], [name_m]Rafferty[/name_m], [name_m]Rufus[/name_m], [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m], [name_m]Serafim[/name_m], [name_m]Serafino[/name_m] or Seraphiel?

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Ooh I love [name_m]Serafino[/name_m] or Seraphiel! I just researched it and it has the definition holy/fiery- perfect with the sweetness of [name_u]Rafa[/name_u]! Thank you so much :smiley:


[name_m]Serafino[/name_m] is a great suggestion!

Some others…

Radcliffe/ [name_m]Radclyffe[/name_m]


[name_m]Rufus[/name_m] / Rufinus (maybe)


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Thx so much!
[name_f]Imagine[/name_f] naming a baby Zarathustra- and whenever the baby babbles, “Thus speaks Zarathustra”