Ralph Emerson Hugo

What do you think of the name? Are there any ways you’d change it?

What do you think his brother’s names might be?


my first thought was [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Waldo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] haha

It is a nice name though, so if you love it use it :slight_smile:

I agree, I went to Ralph Waldo Emerson straightaway, lol, and then Victor Hugo. It’s very literary! :slight_smile: Is Ralph set? It just seems very different stylistically from Emerson and Hugo. I really love the Emerson Hugo part, though! I think Emerson Hugo Ralph would even work better, but if Ralph is what you love, I wouldn’t want to get rid of it. I would definitely separate Ralph and Emerson somehow, though, unless you’re a HUGE fan of his work and are intentionally trying to honor him so obviously. Maybe something like Rafe Emerson Hugo, even? I’ve heard Ralph said like Rafe, or even use Ralph but pronounce it like Rafe? I’m not sure, the literary connection is really strong!

Good luck!

ETA: Now that I’ve mulled over it a bit, I have to add that I really love the idea of Rafael Emerson Hugo! I think that would be fabulous, and you could use Rafe as a nn?

I feel silly for not thinking [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Waldo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]! Thanks for pointing it out.

Also, nothing is set as I’m not expecting. It just happens to be the only boy’s name I have.

I also thought [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Waldo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]. As a matter of fact, at first my mind switched the order of the names to [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name].

There goes that one! It needs a bit of tweaking, I think. :slight_smile:

Thanks, you all!

I agree with it being incredibly similar to [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Waldo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name], but I can think of worse associations!

Some names that might strike your fancy -


Great suggestions!

I really like [name]Walter[/name], [name]Charles[/name], [name]Asa[/name], [name]Jules[/name], [name]Clement[/name], [name]Louis[/name], [name]Florian[/name], [name]Laurence[/name], [name]Julius[/name], [name]Conrad[/name], [name]Ambrose[/name], [name]Bruno[/name], and [name]Rupert[/name]. So, basically all of them but a few with not so good associations.

Thanks so much!

That is such a handsome, vintage name with this ‘spunky’ feel to it. I prefer [name]Emerson[/name] and [name]Hugo[/name] over [name]Ralph[/name], but I still like [name]Ralph[/name]. I’d imagine he might have brothers named [name]Darcy[/name], [name]Edward[/name], [name]Albert[/name], [name]Julian[/name]…


[name]Julian[/name] seems to be the number one name people are suggesting. I love it too, so I’m not complaining.

[name]Darcy[/name], [name]Albert[/name], and [name]Julian[/name] are wonderful! I have this issue with [name]Edward[/name]. It just sounds grimey to me. It’s the -ard, I think.

I like all 3 names but not together. :smiley:

You could easily put another name in the middle like [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Jamison[/name] [name]Hugo[/name], [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] [name]Hugo[/name], [name]Ralph[/name] Everson [name]Hugo[/name]. Similar sound but it loses the [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Waldo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] connection.

Brother’s for [name]Ralph[/name] could be…


That’s the route I’m going to go. I love the sound of [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] [name]Hugo[/name], and the familiarity of [name]Ralph[/name] [name]Waldo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] is probably what did it. I’m pursuing alternative -son names.

[name]Ralph[/name] [name]Jamison[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] is very handsome. [name]Jamison[/name] is great.

I could definitely see [name]Ralph[/name] having brothers named [name]Frank[/name], [name]Milo[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Stanley[/name], [name]Louis[/name], or [name]Phillip[/name].
